
there’s a big difference between telling kids they shouldn’t do something and policing their behavior—like, no school or teacher in their right mind would try to get them to stop mimicking memes, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tell them that what they’re doing has negative societal/cultural implications. they

I appreciate that, because I’m not trying to say that quoting “and I oop!” is objectively wrong, but I think it’s something that students need to feel is a questionable/gray area. Appropriation certainly isn’t like a racial slur, it’s not a cut-and-dry issue, but it’s a debate that I think they should be aware of and

What you’re saying is absolutely true. If you start talking with a Texan twang and saying y’all, that’s fine. But white social media users gain likes/followers/social capital by appropriating Black Culture in a way that Black social media users absolutely do not. This is the same mechanism of structural racism that

That I DO remember correctly!

Last year, my school rejected the suggestion that we should teach white students not to mimic phrases from memes and TikToks that influencers have picked up from Black culture (the recent “it’s the _____ for me” formulation comes to mind, but they were also quoting “and I oop” with absolute abandon last fall without

Wow, my memory produces trash fiction! Thanks!

The reason that they’re in that predicament is that (the large majority of) students and their parents are demanding to go back to campus. What do they expect? Most campus food is already iffy, and the more workers the university hires to deliver food, the greater the risk of a COVID outbreak. This is what happens

Divorce is hard on kids, but not divorcing is, too. I’m sorry they got stuck with parents whose relationship has turned out to be toxic for them. It must be particularly difficult for Angelina’s kids to have gone from a relatively uncomplicated single-mom-with-a-million-resources household to the performative family

Yeah, we bought our first place before we got engaged and I have to tell you that it really does keep your budget/priorities in check.

Yeah, this thread went a little wild but here’s some better stats that I found after the fact and posted downthread. It shows a high level of wealth, just with better data:

I’m not saying that there is only one right way to deal with the shittiness, only that (speaking from experience) it’s much easier to help your partner go against societal norms when you visibly and firmly run interference.

Of course I push back, but I think it’s important to acknowledge that even when we’re able to push back against harmful societal norms we are still able to hurt by them. I might know I’m right, but that knowledge doesn’t give me or spouse emotional teflon. And assuming a combat stance just makes my shitty relatives

I see that they’re in the clear legally, I just think it’s shitty ethics if you want to postpone in a pandemic. But not bad business. They’re not relying on repeat customers in the wedding industry.

Yeah, on my phone if I capitalize something and make the phone accept it instead of autocorrect it, then it becomes a part of the dictionary. I wrote HAHAHA once, years ago, and now whenever I try to type hahah-- it corrects to HAHAHA. So, he’s definitely typed it, very deliberately, before!

Agreed. Some internet people have taken issue with it because they see it as an empty gesture. I think she’s trying to say, not only that Black lives matter (like she has been saying for five years), but that she could have happily spoken to other big issues if given the opportunity.

Warren was once a teacher and is a mother. But she is also a law professor and a United States Senator. She ran for president. She is bigger than just a talking head for gendered issues. But Wednesday night, she was presented as a gentle caricature of a woman likely designed to attract on the fence Democrats and less

It’s absolutely shameful that they won’t let you reschedule.

I feel badly for those whose livelihoods are in danger (most of us), but I personally wouldn’t put deposits down on venues or vendors right now. You don’t know if those businesses are going to survive the pandemic and, if they go under, whether or not you’ll get your money back.

It’s a lot like the Alot

We don’t really speak to one another independently. My parents are golden and I love them. When we visit them, siblings and cousins show up.