I have sensitive skin, and all of these cool lotions just make me cracked skin worse. Only CeraVe works for me. I love and respect it, but I wish I could use my tin of Bag Balm.
I have sensitive skin, and all of these cool lotions just make me cracked skin worse. Only CeraVe works for me. I love and respect it, but I wish I could use my tin of Bag Balm.
Orlando is about the entire system of landed wealth that they have just sort-of-abandoned and begins thus:
I eventually figured out that he is incapable of doing better, but it took a few years (yikes!). I was kind of dumb when I was young.
I had the paragard for 8 years. It was great, but the first three months were bad.
You win, and I am so sorry. She must have been a spectacular mom to send a gorilla to your marching band practice, though. Legendary parent behavior.
23rd birthday. I was dating a man who was ten years older than me. He told me to ~wear a dress.~ I got to his place (note: he didn’t come to mine, and yes, he did live over an hour away). He said, “I got something for you for your birthday!” It was a liter of coke (because cans are too expensive) and a bottle of rum.…
Whom amongst us can’t relate to wearing the same black dress to 27 formal dress events? But to do her own makeup all this time? She is truly One of the People.
This woman is an editor for the NYT opinion section. Do you know how many horrible, irresponsible hot takes they publish? But you are spot on. This should not have got the green light.
This is about what our wedding cost, in total, and I did get a $300 dress. We did a buffet, just had beer/wine—not the hard stuff—at the open bar, and hired the minimal DJ package. I can’t see how it could have been cheaper (the venue literally cost the same as a tent rental + table/chair rental) unless you know a…
Mine felt pretty feminist—we were married by a woman in a secular outdoors ceremony in under 15 minutes, we wrote our own (shared) vows, and I didn’t change my name. We weren’t introduced at the reception, which was in the same place as the ceremony. One thing I couldn’t get out of, though, was my dad walking me down…
I agree with this. I also think that if someone told her just to a wait a year to sue, she might see that suing the estate is not a good idea (though suing the company obviously is). Right now, she’s not thinking clearly and maybe isn’t receiving good/useful direction.
Who exactly is the owner and operator? I thought Bryant owned the helicopter outright? And what does it mean to name his “representative or successor” in the suit?
That she has Roxane Gay’s endorsement says a lot. Gay is one of the smartest public intellectuals active right now.
She’s terrifying. I thought she was being underestimated this race, but didn’t think she was an actual contender.
Politico has a good quick rundown on her policies. Her stance on abortion is scary, but so is her tepid stance on health care, charter schools, and the military. She did extremely well with 65+ demographic and people who go to church every week (according to the Washington Post exit poll).
People should look at policies and vote on policies. Not personality, not charisma, not even the behavior of their followers. I will vote for Sanders if Warren drops out before my primaries because she has similar policies and defined plans. I do not like Sanders as a person/politician. Like, at all. If invited to…
This is not rocket science. White women (like white men!) are a moderate demographic. That’s because they are privileged. (Fuck them for not caring about their fellow citizens.) They favor Amy Klobuchar because Biden is a sexist nitwit and Pete is a fucking mayor. And not a particularly successful one. Klobuchar,…
Watching all these white women twist themselves in knots trying to avoid voting for Bernie is a sight to behold.
I’m with you on this. A slice of cheese is a gift from the heavens. But it is not something I eat as an ingredient, and it is not an ingredient I miss at all.