
The get-up-and-leave approach worked wonders for my SIL and her children, who are angels in restaurants (and monsters at home—not mild-mannered children naturally!). They were each taken out of the diner and brought home once and learned their lessons. As a non-parent, I go a little easier when I see the electronics

I just pretend they’re invisible. They’re like internet trolls. They will give up if you do not engage with them. This technique may ruin your relationship with their parents, though.

Yeah. I’m actually all for screens in worst-case scenarios like public transportation or restaurant meltdown with toddlers. I think that more parents just aren’t teaching children self regulation in public places, period. I’ve seen a lot of kids lately running around (not particularly family-friendly) restaurants/bars,

It was a nice gesture. But Portman has the ability to promote women in the film industry and doesn’t.

Because women exist to facilitate men’s ambitions?

He’s never seemed like an exceptionally bright person, and no one really should be forgiven for dressing like a Nazi, but I do believe that he was poking fun at his own family with that costume. That was his way of being “edgy” and honestly he has never shown much respect for his family’s bullshit.

She’ll probably fire them, she’s just doing things by the book (letting them have their say/explain their behavior, then firing them for it).

People will probably be fired, but I respect Warren for not knee-jerk firing people to make herself look good. I would expect her to look into as quickly and thoroughly as possible and fire some folks within a few days. I agree it’s disappointing, but it’s not surprising that a bunch of white feminists marginalized

When I was a senior in high school, we had some pretty early Saturday morning ice times. Mostly because we were the girls’ team. It was pretty routine to show up to hockey hungover as fuck (I swear to god, as a high school teacher—I really feel like teens have improved since my day), but one morning was particularly

This is trending because, instead of acknowledging that Hot Girls for Bernie was fucked up, it’s there way of saying, “NO it’s NOT fucked up! Because guys are doing it too! No sexism in this campaign! Equality!” And that’s not cute.

  • Charlize Theron, on that guy who pulled out and whispered, “Make out with my nose.” (Brad, is that you?): “And then he pulled away and whispered, “Make out with my nose.” [Us Weekly]

I adore the writer in question, but I have to admit that he sometimes misses the mark when writing about women. Nothing too severe, nothing misogynistic, just enough cringes where I’ve started to notice.

I haven’t even seen the movie yet and I really love this picture.

The nanny is a different issue, but I don’t think teachers should be expected to love your children, no. Teachers are there to provide primarily scholastic and secondarily social/emotional skills. A personal, loving connection between student and teacher is not required. It’s great when a kid says that they “love”

I dated a guy like this. I was just about fed up with his neediness when, after a trip to my mother’s, he came over, ate the rest of the labor-intensive meal that she only makes once every two years or so, and then told me we should take a break. He tried EVERYTHING to end that break. The break continues.

I was around 26 when I broke up with someone over text. I still don’t feel bad about it because he’d texted me a sexist comment and expected a cool girl lol in response. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I ran into him many times after that, and he always brought up the fact that I’d dumped him via text message, like a child. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You can tell that Sanders is a career politician because his most successful campaign has been convincing people he is not a politician while getting nothing done and raking in that senator salary. 

I straight up forgot Amy Klobuchar was still in the race when she showed up on the last debate stage. I turned to my husband and said, “Didn’t she drop out?” and he said, “Which one is she again?” And I replied, “The salad woman” and he said, “Oh my God!” To make matters worse, there were times I forgot about her durin

Thank you, I think this frame will go a long way when I’m talking to my parents about Warren. I know that, at the end of the day, they’ll probably vote for Biden (head/desk), but just undoing some of the mischaracterization will make me feel better.

More like Pedogrew.