
While in some ways you are right, Kotaku is about otaku culture, which anime plays a big part in. 95% of the reviews posted in Ani-TAY end up in the round-up, and this time they didn't most likely because those that chose the articles liked what they picked. All of the articles put up today were excellent, and I have

Here's to hoping they get on there tomorrow!

Yeah, it's too bad. Lots of people would like to read them, I'm sure.

Sorry, meant to say aLIEz, I'm used to calling it I Say Fire since no one knew what it was called before. And Kinja won't let me edit my post.

EXCELLENT list. Almost identical to mine. The first time I heard Tokyo ESP's ending, I thought the voice was familiar, and sure enough Yousei Teikoku sang the OP and 2nd ED for Future Diary. Also, any list is complete with Unravel and Konna Sekai, Shiritakunakatta. Fugyaku Replace was my biggest surprise this season,

Hahaha, sound like its a... Modest Proposal.