“He died flying his Porsche” is a fantastic conversation starter; NP for immortality.
“He died flying his Porsche” is a fantastic conversation starter; NP for immortality.
It’s interesting how all these celebrities and sports stars think they have more insight than the grand jury...
“large majority of protests have taken place in the United States, where racist sentiment is prevalent.” Oh my. Prove that. Show me on a map where racist sentiment is prevalent in the United States. That is your opinion. There are millions of Blacks and Hispanics and Native Americans and Caucasians that get along just…
Ferrari has a long wait list for these one of one cars. I don’t think the owner was considering the pandemic when they ordered the car a couple years ago. And sure, it costs the same as a bunch of PPE. Of course the issue with PPE right now is supply constrained, not specifically the ability to pay for it.
Eye of the beholder and all, and I might be just a bit biased, but there’s no way that thing is better looking than this:
As a California resident who works in the engineering infrastructure industry I can honestly say this is all just a pipe dream. The state’s infrastructure is literally falling apart. Roads, bridges, water and wastewater systems, and our electrical grid. As it is now he state can’t generate enough electricity on a hot…
Whole different point.
The difference climate change makes to the wildfires is literally immeasurable today. CA has a wildfire fuel and infrastructure problem. Then any little disturbance in the weather (weather is not climate) causes conflagration. Guess what, CA could start fixing their fuel and infrastructure problems tomorrow without…
California also needs to implement an actual fire mitigation policy that will stop the fires from being catastrophic events. Just ruining their power grid isn’t sufficient.
Doing what they’re doing is a far more complicated policy decision than you’re identifying - with plenty of complications and problems that make 2035 an aggressive deadline. Just a few of them:
I saw that Hyundai ad on Hulu and my first thought was, “why can’t they just pay attention to the road?”. I’d be laughing at it, if it wasn’t so sad.
They know who their target market is: Men with small penises.
Correlation is not causation. The lack of specificity on the batteries was the reason for the stock value drop, not the promise of a relatively cheap Tesla model.
It’s also larger than the Bolt and also isn’t styled like a $20k econo-hatchback, which should give it a big advantage over the Bolt aesthetically.
Their other option is do nothing and have the bank seize their property. The moratorium doesn’t stop that from happening.
As automakers shift from horsepower to kilowatts to comply with stricter environmental regulations,
I would expect far fewer EV startups compared to tech startups. Building cars is EXPENSIVE and requires a TON of capital.
God as a non-parent I had no idea whatsoever.
Life must be great there. That would explain why 3x as many Europeans move to the US as vice versa.