Very wrong
Very wrong
What?! This guy gets the wagon, the motorcycle, COTD and a gift from $kay? Some guys have all the luck....
Did you really post a video that is just shitty music, no engine man
While not technically a V8, the W8 is my favorite 8 cylinder sound. To quote a friend “it sounds like a wookie orgasm”.
The Honda HSV010 sounds pretty fucking crazy.
The same way tesla owners plan their trips supercharger to supercharger, I imagine you are planning yours service center to service center.
Self: “Gah. Another anonymous potato-shaped SUV that’s just gonna spend most of its time in the drive-thru at Starbucks. Plus this one’s a BMW which means when it breaks, it will be a bitch to fix as well as prohibitively expensive. It would be rational to walk away.”
Hah, yeah. The lack of understanding most people have about their cars and how they work is pretty staggeringly scary.
I’ve been told the same principle works. Get a 12 point that’s close, hammer it on. OKGo really known for anything other than cool music videos?
Not true. I had friends win on Let’s Make a Deal, you get slapped by the IRS when you file your taxes. They also charge MSRP for everything so even if the TV you won can be bought at Best Buy for $250, it the MSRP is $700 that’s what you are taxed on.
Source? I always thought they just made you fill out the tax form and gave you the receipt, signing something agreeing you know the winnings are taxable and have been submitted to the IRS etc. i.e., if you don’t report it, they’re definitely going to know.
It’s going to America.
It’s a good price, but I voted CP based on the fact that you won’t be able to register it in most states. The guy selling it doesn’t seem to understand his own state’s emissions requirements which is concerning. Cars older than 25 years are usually eligible for classic plates, but the cutoff for emissions in most…
Their continued desire to keep peddling this thing, and not make a 4-door version with significant trunk space, is just comically sad at this point.
The fact that I didn’t know Taco Bueno was a thing that existed before today makes me feel so sad about my life.
If they,
The thing to remember is this “recall” or issue isnt safety related. There are no deaths associated with it. The cars have slightly worse emissions than they claim to have. I would take whatever compensation they gave and take off but I assume some will push this further and demand much more.
At least my wife understands when I say, “Nah, just the wregular type” and she teases me for reading books to our kids and all the monsters sound alot like Strongbad.