Ethically farmed meat is expensive...and that's why I own a rifle. Deer are delicious.
I think it's funny when people make a big fuss about humans eating animals, but aren't at all opposed to dogs (also omnivores) eating meat.
Ethically farmed meat is expensive...and that's why I own a rifle. Deer are delicious.
I think it's funny when people make a big fuss about humans eating animals, but aren't at all opposed to dogs (also omnivores) eating meat.
What kind of knuckle-dragging micro-cephalic calls it "punch buggy"? That is without question the single most preposterously depraved bit of sadism I have ever heard.
Usually with some sort of crappy "flush" and/or badly chopped suspension and a fart can, zero useful modifications.
I'm tired of your constant sexualization of women, $kaycog. Eyebrows? Part of a bicep? Get this pornography out of here.
Damn. Quintuple post. Impressive.
Universum: War Front is an incredibly ambitious game. It's a combination of real-time strategy, MOBA, role-playing…
She's going for the settlement, the RR driver's insurance doesn't want to fight a high profile case that can be spun to say "you can drive over motorcyclists" so they will settle for low 7 figures.
I think you meant in 6 cylinders flat
Again, my point cleanly sailed right by you. Let me point it out for you.
Oddly enough, Ford has some very nice small engine designs these days. Since they codeveloped the Duratech/MZR with Mazda, of course.
If you spend $70,000 on a KIA, then Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to…
That's the "after" figures - they're quite tunable. I think from Ford they're about 160bhp, though given Ford's habit of sticking the same branding on stuff until it loses all meaning I'm not sure which one they're using here.
I would assume this means they have captured all the murders, drug dealers, muggers and so on because only a fucking worthless public servant would go after this guy before arrest people who ACTUALLY hurt someone?
Oh look, a reasonable, adult response to an unfortunate situation. How refreshing. Maybe this will catch on. I won't hold my breath.