
You should probably avoid using statistics if you don’t want to get burned by them. There are more (known) guns than cars in the US. There are far more auto deaths per year (including accidents by children). There are at best 1.5M Pelaton units in the world. A fraction of those are the Tread +.

My last several phone transitions (and ipads and watches) you simply move your phone near the old one and hit transfer.  I’m not sure what your point is.

Yea, the idea that a politician using America4Sale to generate anger despite being perfectly ok with the money going in the other pocket.

Cyanobacteria is also present in salt water fish tanks where it actually is reddish in color and slimy.  It seems to thrive in situations where other algae does not (ultra low or no nitrates and phosphates).

There are several pro photo/video ographers who have shared testimony in using a phone (and specifically an Apple one) in multiple environments. Even several years ago, several sports cover shots were done with an iphone because the user was able to get a good shot uploaded and published first instead of pulling data

Giz use of “lots of lawsuits” meaning that all developers hate Apple is just a long line of shoddy reporting trying to grab headlines.  Sure there are developers who don’t like apples process, but the hundreds of thousands of others who do loudly outrank them.

As a user in LA county, the bakery thing is super frustrating.  I get different bakeries from the same people in different batches.  Samoas are very different between the two.

If you sideload an app on android and brick your device, guess what, it voids your warranty. Same with Xbox, same with your television. I’m not sure why people don’t understand this. Apple is not unique in this scenario. Just because its easier to do on Android doesn’t make it officially supported.

I have several things going on that are considered “cosmetic” by many insurance companies. My eyes are a pretty key component and likely more impactful than your hearing. That said, I get fantastic health care service from my doctor and she (like yours) constantly goes to bat on my behalf.

Sounds like you have a problem with health insurance, not health care.

I still fail to see how its any different than any other hardware providing a single point of software and not providing other options. Why does Apple have to offer you a different way to purchase an app on their hardware? In fact, I think its pretty obvious that you can install apps outside their store, its just not

You have no idea what a monopoly or a market is. You are just spouting off nonsense because you clearly have a chip against a company.

Custom made? sure. Rad hardened? I’m not sure there is any way around it.  It’s still “cheaper” to use a tested rad hardened chip than to create a new one every time.

I wonder if its a direct result of how often French cooking involves overcomplicating a bunch of simple ingredients.  I had a fantastic ragu the other day but the ingredients list would leave most people scratching their heads.  This seems like an evolution of the concept, the ingredient doesn’t need to be fancy, the

This was going to be CP all day long but thats because I assumed it was some crazed backyard hack. This this has actual pedigree and I would bet most older gearheads probably has at least passing knowledge of this build.

Daytons or “Ds” seemed to get used quite a bit in reference to wire wheels.  I think as lowrider culture (and all car culture) fades its getting less use.

While its all shocking, I think the fact that the average down is north of $4000 is what really surprises me.  I get that people can finance a $50k vehicle for 7 years with low interest rates but most people dont have $4500 laying around for a down.  It must be trade ins more than cash.

Uh, a 89 Civic Si with a 14.5:1 compression LS/VTEC swap. 4 puck unsprung clutch. Guy at the smog place (wasn’t trying to pass, I just needed proof of failure) told me my clutch was broken and couldn’t be pressed down.

I’m generally ok with any wing as long as its functional. Huge and obnoxious is fine, especially on a Lambo.