
Hmm, judging by how subtle it is I have a feeling it is one of us and they threw it in like that as a joke knowing no one would figure it out.

Even carmax has one 6 years newer with 65k miles for the same price.

I’ve seen more RWB Porsches than Singer ones.  They are pretty damn rare.

Has no one actually played this game? You can hardly play it while driving unless you are doing some low speed cruising. In addition to the warning when you open the game, there is one when you go too fast (like 20 mph and it often triggers when not even in a vehicle). When you go to fast, the stops and pokemon

Is that MC12 reliable enough to buy without breaking the bank?  It looks awesome at that price.

I’ve seen at least two separate RHD Delica’s with some serious off road equipment strapped to them running around LA county. At least one clearly thought I was nuts trying to stay near him and waving.

Man I hope these stats are quoted wrong:

The actual antique clock from a famous maker has legitimate artisan skill put into its clockwork mechanism that has functioned the same for half a millennia and which is where its value is derived from. Taken care of it will provide the same function as its modern counterparts.  OP is right that this thing was

that means most of its mobile software comes pre-installed on iPhones

The safest thing is for a child to stay in a car seat for as long as is safe for them to do so.  A booster is just to adjust a child to the safe height and position of a standard car seat belt.  The idea that it provides better protection is laughable.  Its sole purpose is to keep the child in place during an impact

Anyone who is really concerned about their kids safety should and must do their own research. There is a massive difference between the safety of a seat that meets the regulations (even the real regulations) and ones that actively work to make a seat safe for a kid. Additionally, most people take their kid out of a

New cordless I’ll stick with Ryobi for anything below Milwakee, etc.

I don’t think this is what they meant when they said “move fast and break things...”

It seems like a weird acquisition but most likely its a combination of smart investing and technologies to advance autonomous driving. That’s a lot of sensors and computing packed into a tiny package combined with the parts to make it all move just looking at the robot dog.

This one always bugged me. Our schools literally have people standing outside willing to hand food (breakfast and lunch) to anyone who wants it all day long (including weekends). They don’t care if you are a kid or an adult. Enrolled or not. Have the kids with you or not. Walk (drive) up, ask for x number of meals,

Considering the amount of garbage on the roads in CA, I highly doubt a trace amount of copper is the end all issue here.  What CA should do is deal with the fact that they have massively sub par drainage solutions across the lower half of the state due to minimal rainfall.  The runoff from roads is the issue, not the

The vault is so insane. The tour guide will just walk by cars you have never seen in real life as they just don’t even register on the cool scale. Our last tour we gathered around a legit 250 LM just to have him tell us the GT40 next to it was the one driven by Jacky Ickx

None.  Living in Southern CA makes you pretty immune to caring about it.  The off chance that we get some snow, ill most likely just need my cell phone to call in all the extra accidents around town that I’m likely to come across.

They suck.

Anyone have a recommendation for an online service manual that is worth a damn and doesnt look like scanned haynes manuals in every diagram?