Definately would take a LX470 at that price but I’m torn on the modifications.
Definately would take a LX470 at that price but I’m torn on the modifications.
Good on you for standardizing Chuggington which somehow bucks the rules of TtTE and yet looks decisively worse. Did you even see the episode with that weird super train?
And I thought it was bad that I snuck a 9 year old into the “10 years and older” event at the Peterson...
Type R, CRX, and Clownshoe ship has sailed. LR I can’t see happening but I could definitely see 4Runner if they actually come off the road at 350k+ miles.
S2000 pricing has experienced some pretty heavy swings. They were always around $18k and dropped like a rock to around $11k for a while. Now they are back past $20k and likely only headed up.
Thats amazing. The timing was impeccable (and sad) as well.
This is so perfect. Also where is Tavarish and Demuro? Their whole thing started at Jalopnik with PG running it most of the time.
Patrick you are amazing and did amazing things with Jalopnik.. Its always terrifying when someone new takes over but from the beginning it was clear that you were the right person for the job. It sucks that you had to start considering what else is out there because I’m sure we would all love to hoard you here.
Speaking of HP food, we got a Cauldron “cake” from Universal as it looked like a fun cauldron shaped pastry with some frosting fire on it. Turns out the cauldron wasnt cake, it was rubber and the frosting filled the whole thing. There might have been 0.5" of cake in the bottom but we never found it.
Must be nice to have the never ending support of the car journalism community to QC your terrible statements. I can’t imagine my company not fully vetting ANY public statement and lawyering the crap out of it.
Man, I know we always complain how people don’t put their money where their mouth is but $110k isn’t just expensive, its prohibitively expensive for nearly everyone, ever.
This article really sums up Lifehacker as a website. It’s definitely fallen far from where it once was.
Thanks for this. The first thing I thought was that it was designed to make production cheap. Then the cost pops up and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. No idea where his obsession with bulletproofing and therefore the massive panels come from but I feel like this is about to go the same way as the last stainless…
As someone who owns one of these (wedding present, its lasted over a decade) is this thing really the best you can get for a home mixed at $400+?
Can’t wait until we get past all this “electric car hype” and we can start making electric cars normal again.
More relaxed than carmax? Carmax is already so laid back that you can use it as a platform to test drive anything you want.
Yes and any aero that is providing real downforce would be provisioned to mount that way. Often on real “homebuilt” racecars (like time attack) while it looks to be mounted on the trunk its actually going through the truck and attaching to the body.
Very cool. Picked up a ‘86 pop-up a couple weeks ago and have been doing the remodel in our spare time. Most of the interior is finished and a lot of rotted wood is gone. Fixed the spliced to hell harness.
Why do we always talk about stuff burning up coming into the atmosphere? Wouldn’t it also have a similar fate exiting?
I swear I must be missing something. All these EVs are on existing platforms so your “sunk” cost of the vehicle itself is basically equal across all manufacturers and platforms. So all the additoinal cost should be in the sizing of the batteries and motors (super oversimplifying for arguments sake). Assuming you had a…