
This article really sums up Lifehacker as a website. It’s definitely fallen far from where it once was.

Thanks for this. The first thing I thought was that it was designed to make production cheap. Then the cost pops up and couldn’t believe what I was seeing.  No idea where his obsession with bulletproofing and therefore the massive panels come from but I feel like this is about to go the same way as the last stainless

As someone who owns one of these (wedding present, its lasted over a decade) is this thing really the best you can get for a home mixed at $400+?

Anecdotal however, 23andMe has made at least 2 profound changes in our family. First, over a discussion with her uncle, he stated that he had both markers for Hemochromatosis, my wife realized that she had a single marker and therefore had her dad checked as well (he has CHF). Turns out he had it as well and just had

Can’t wait until we get past all this “electric car hype” and we can start making electric cars normal again.

More relaxed than carmax?  Carmax is already so laid back that you can use it as a platform to test drive anything you want.

Yes and any aero that is providing real downforce would be provisioned to mount that way. Often on real “homebuilt” racecars (like time attack) while it looks to be mounted on the trunk its actually going through the truck and attaching to the body. 

Very cool. Picked up a ‘86 pop-up a couple weeks ago and have been doing the remodel in our spare time. Most of the interior is finished and a lot of rotted wood is gone. Fixed the spliced to hell harness.

Why do we always talk about stuff burning up coming into the atmosphere? Wouldn’t it also have a similar fate exiting?

I swear I must be missing something. All these EVs are on existing platforms so your “sunk” cost of the vehicle itself is basically equal across all manufacturers and platforms. So all the additoinal cost should be in the sizing of the batteries and motors (super oversimplifying for arguments sake). Assuming you had a

I’ve actually noticed far less (if not none) “our machine is down” McDonald’s runs recently.  Many of the ones near me are refurbished stores so I wonder if they got upgraded machines as well.

Does it handle well or is it a drag only thing.  Looks like its meant to bridge the gap between the two but curious to see if it ends up more Demon than Shelby.

My wife and I have a flying car bet.  I’m firmly in the “not in my lifetime” camp.

I’ve always thought that as deepfakes and autogenerated content becomes more and more of a reality than an experiment, it will likely signal the end of internet anonymity. If not, it seems highly ironic that more powerful capabilities to remain virtual will drive even more need to meet face to face (to avoid the

When do we get the article for non-bike people that explains the what a bagger is.  Throw in things like hard/soft tail and cafe racer while you are at it.

Really surprised tangle tower didn’t make the list. Cat Quest 2 is another that should be here.

That kind of stuff seems more like societal breakdown than something specific to workers/employers. I (and I could be wearing rose colored glasses here) would assume that in most of the country stuff like that wouldn’t be acceptable or allowed regardless. I mean, how many people just stood by (in the figurative sense)

You didn’t read the article at all did you?

Clearly a bunch of people don’t understand how ADA laws work.

Any chance Return to Zork is in there?