
Any modern vehicle with a pressurized fuel system and an ECU likely will never let the “not enough fuel to the engine” scenario happen. Vehicles prep the amount of fuel required for each cylinder and will shut off prematurely if they sense not enough pressure in the lines to properly provide the correct amount of

I wonder if the IIHS and other testing centers had to modify their facilities to meet various NFPA requirements due to the large batteries potential for hazards.

Came here for this.

Have you been to California? We have some of the highest taxes on gas...

Just want to be able to import a 25 year old vehicle or swap in a cleaner engine to an older vehicle without jumping through 1000 hoops with the DMV because the intake isn’t turned the right direction.

Just looking for all the Disney Jr stuff in one place (specifically MMCH) so my kids don’t ask for S9E22 and I have to dig through bootleg youtube kids or check 3 different streaming services to pay $2.99 for the stupid episode.

Torch, he kind of looks like you in the lead photo. I’m pretty sure you could shop yourself in his place and we wouldn’t know the difference.

Yea, considering the road presence that other RRs have its pretty disappointing to see one of these blend in with everything else.  Hell the phantom IS bigger in some dimensions.

Had some wings from BurgerIM recently that really surprised me.  Chicken was so so but the texture was crisp and the chili garlic sauce was awesome.

Seems they are pushing durability as well with mentions of stronger glass and an entire video surrounding treating your phone like crap.  It will be interesting to see how it holds up.

I’m dead...

This article is such a mess.

“Better drive pay” on the grill of a new Denali doesn’t sell the point very well...

For some reason I missed the part where this was commercially available for sale.  I thought it was still only able to be produced in small quantities.

That last quote really highlights just how much of a barge the Challenger really is.

Lots of people wondering if the GT350 premium is worth it over a GT.  The answer lies in the title of this article.  Go drive the damn GT350.  Even a short stint in the vehicle will change you.  It really is a completely different animal from the standard Mustang.

3 years and 60% off is hard to ignore in the used market

I find it hard to read about Thule without mentioning operation Bluejay. 120 Ships and an extremely short environmental window to build the entire base.

To be fair, I’ve always hated long hooded cars (like the corvette) that even with your head bumping against the ceiling you can’t see 20' of the road in front of you.  Seems like a decent metric.

Anything that allows FWD flat floors mated to a transmission that wont detonate with 6000lbs being hauled around is a good van in my book.