
There are many many others as well.  John Woolfe comes to mind as well.

Seconded that the 3.0T is solid.  People are tuning them at 80k+ miles and still problem free.

I’ve always wondered how these aren’t considered class B vehicles.  You can’t drive a 15 passenger van without one but you can double park the hell out of one of these with a 10 minute paper test.

Man, the looks are all over the map but I think it would seriously look good if it had a front end similar to the DB7.

How much you want to bet that “most satisfying” list overlaps with the “most smug owners” list pretty constantly.

The first car I bought with my own money was an 88 Rx7 which was awesome.  However it very quickly was broke and so was I.  So I did what any cash strapped kid with dreams of modified cars would do.  I put LED windshield washer squirters on my car.  Autozone must have been proud.

140,000?  Have I been living under a rock.  I thought they were doing like 5000 a month.

I know it makes sense but being able to look back 100+ years and see how the mascot had to evolve due to how tires looked over the years is pretty neat.

There was a show car back in the early 2000s that was a purple accord (like 91) with 27 tvs mounted on it. Sounds benign until you saw that there were at least 10 mounted in the body work on the outside of the vehicle. On the doors on the hood, on the roof. All fully molded into the body.

Calling it?  I’m pretty sure this has been well known for a while.  In fact I’m pretty sure the First Rule “Don’t talk about the clownshoe” came from this site specifically to try to keep prices under control.

Probably due to scientists looking to grab headlines to ensure grant money while simultaneously all claiming that said new discovery is reshaping how they have to consider the past.

His hands look enormous.  I clicked on the article just to comment about his hands.

Today, Catchpole notes that the driver’s seat feels “about a foot closer to the ground” than it does in a modern Lotus Evora, which, wow.


The if you think the idea of using the NASCAR 4 speeds is endearing then you haven’t seen the massive amount of LS swaps (and even several leftover NASCAR engines) or the even more prevalent quick change rear end (Winters, also in PA).

The rhythm is weird. Our Odyssey has a pretty noticeable tick on cold starts but it is super consistent so you can tell its from something affected by the engine rotating. This...clearly isn’t directly caused by that.

Pretty amazing that the swap was able to be done at the major component level.  The three weeks it took was what blew me away.  I’ve had far simpler projects take at least that long when life and family need to be attended to.

Geeze, I work in an industry that is completely run and funded by republicans, has hardly any diversity (mostly old and white, its changing a bit) and is the kind of job where you can seriously screw up and you still will have a job the next day. This kind of stuff would have you out on the streets before the day was

According to Haushalter, what Toyota did was alter the tuning on things like steering effort and suspension damping.

For what purpose? Tell me exactly what having the LHC or finding the HB did in a practical sense. It basically is a giant self gratification to the physics community that allowed them all to breathe a sigh of relief that their theories weren’t wrong.