Protector one

You’re secretly talking about Battlefield 2, right?

Hey, don’t forget Hogan Knows Best! NEVER forget. (Because WE won’t.)


Paul…? Paul!?

How many points on that star? It isn’t high, now is it?


Wait, scratch that. It’s from that great How I met Your Mother episode that I watched a gazillion times!

Ooh! I like this! What movie is this from? Yeah, you know it. Spit it out.

Also, rings

Senior Week is the best! Why can’t it be Senior Week every week??

In a bird shirt.

I’ve lost count how many times Crescente took away my stars and have them back later.

Oh, and Day/Night notes... They made me feel fuzzy and warm inside!

Oh man, oh man... The mems... Where’s “Justify your game”? Where’s “Justify your Kane”? I loved game cakes! Oh, and I haven’t seen Kotaku pointing fish in ages! How are the mini Bashes doing? Also, Totilo, you should start wearing bird shirts. J. Allard says so.

Oh, I totes agree. The logo should be visible AF.


Did you feed the koi? :)

I love that place. I almost proposed to my wife there, had she not been nervous about it officially closing at 5… I ended up proposing on a bridge near Takayama center that same day. We still have very fond memories of Takayama and Hida no Sato in particular.

Didn’t she die??