Soul Train, huh? Looks like somebody has been reading Scott C.'s Twitter feed!
Soul Train, huh? Looks like somebody has been reading Scott C.'s Twitter feed!
"With the controller assembled you can now shut down your computer"!? Really?? Before plugging in what is essentially a mouse?
I LOVE YOU PHIL HAVE MY BABIES. Oh, wait. Did I say that out loud…
Hear, hear!
Oh wow, you will truly be missed here! I too would like to think that on some level we became friends…
What is this "iPhone" device you speak of? Can I not play this on ye olde internets? I'll just keep playing Panda Poet, thank you very much.
Just give him/her a game he/she doesn't want!
I say the people have a point. On the DualShock, the stick is aligned with the buttons on a line 45 degrees rotated from the device. That angle is much more acute on the Vita, causing the thumb to overlap the stick when on the lower button. The people have a point!
I think I'll just play The Legend of Zelda: Skward Sword instead.
I hate buying the same game over and over, but I don't mind buying upgraded versions. Isn't it time for an enhanced Wind Waker yet?
Kotaku isn't just about news, it's about experiences too. Note: this comment isn't news. Commentworthy?
I first heard this trick as I approached the water (and again as I swam towards the deeper shaft) in Super Mario 64's Jolly Roger Bay. The effect is far more subtle in that game, though.
Great article. Your enthusiasm reminds me a lot of my own, when I made my first extensions. :)
Because, "the moment you have unlockable content gamers start to focus purely on unlocking the content rather than enjoying the game itself". ([]) Removing the unlocking process brings back the joy.
"Mesa sell you muy muy maps for wupupi! Okidey?"
I love his art. Love the games too! :)
Why didn't they call this "Face Invaders"?
Holy crap. I made nearly the same thing to fight Sturgeon in Wind Waker! I even used the same train-set power controller! :)
Wow! Goodbye man! (Does this mean Geek on Stun will start posting again?)