@RedCarmine: I agree!
@RedCarmine: I agree!
@Riqz: You could salt a base password with the domain of the website to make it more secure. So, "monkey", would become "monkeylifehacker". I think Lifehacker featured this tip a year or 2 or so ago. Of course, this tip only has any merit if the site you use it on encrypts passwords. (Something Gawker did, and other…
Cute, but I reckon thinking of punny names for the hybrids is more fun than actually playing them. :P
@p4w4rr10r: Sin and Punishment 2, man.
I would like to vote for "none of the above".
@Platypus Man: To me it's a pretty good Jeff Bridges movie.
@Mi7ch: I've always found Toad to be a little piece of shit!
"It's the best version of Poppit I've ever played!" :P
@Koolaider: Here fishy, fishy, fishy!
@legendnthemaking: Same man who took away mine. (I got better.)
@Arsenic13: Nekkid Lois Lane, man! Nekkid Lois Lane!
@RRW: I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.
@yiff: Then what's the difference between a "web app" and an "extension"?
Do not Google that Ozawa guy at work with SafeSearch off.
Trackball! Kreee! I'd love to have a hand-held trackball pointing device (…that doesn't suck). Are you listening Logitech!?
@Suzaku: Cool. :)
Wow, that monstrosity is beautiful!
Awesome, my question was answered!
Wow, inspiring. Sting should sing about this. (Not about stupid bottles. Live in the now, Sting!)