Protector one

@Riqz: You could salt a base password with the domain of the website to make it more secure. So, "monkey", would become "monkeylifehacker". I think Lifehacker featured this tip a year or 2 or so ago. Of course, this tip only has any merit if the site you use it on encrypts passwords. (Something Gawker did, and other

Cute, but I reckon thinking of punny names for the hybrids is more fun than actually playing them. :P

@p4w4rr10r: Sin and Punishment 2, man.

I would like to vote for "none of the above".

@Platypus Man: To me it's a pretty good Jeff Bridges movie.

@Mi7ch: I've always found Toad to be a little piece of shit!

"It's the best version of Poppit I've ever played!" :P

@Arsenic13: Nekkid Lois Lane, man! Nekkid Lois Lane!

@RRW: I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.

@yiff: Then what's the difference between a "web app" and an "extension"?

Do not Google that Ozawa guy at work with SafeSearch off.

Trackball! Kreee! I'd love to have a hand-held trackball pointing device (…that doesn't suck). Are you listening Logitech!?

Wow, that monstrosity is beautiful!

Awesome, my question was answered!

Wow, inspiring. Sting should sing about this. (Not about stupid bottles. Live in the now, Sting!)