Protector one

"...and only activates on sites that are coded to request it"

I'm thinking of rubbing in the buttocks of a fair maiden with some lemon-based curd.

Harlequin babies always die. This is ridiculous!

The testers have to pay Barry 5000 rupees first, and then he'll give them a map to the office. Kooloo Limpah!

@Demonbird: Wouldn't their milk look better in front of a bad Star Fox game?

Eff you, Virtual Shackles! Spoiler Alert, much? The game isn't even out over here! ;'(

@kevito: They tookd yer shnss!

Commandos: Strike Force, for €1,-. And it was awesome.

@spannu: I agree, but the DS for 8 is brilliant!

@her0_0f_time: You should have just traveled to a point in the future where your browser was already restarted. :/

Going outside without a Bird Shirt?? What will the neighbors think!

@FP_slomo788: Can't wait for Requiem: Electric Boogaloo.

Wow, that screenshot looks fantastic! Like a cartoonified Sin & Punishment 2. (Which is good.)

@Jezuz: Yes, let's not get car-ried away this time.

@ZombieDispatch: There are scantily clad people, so yes. Completely NSFW. (Even Kotaku-tan is a little too NSFW for my tastes.)

@EvilBourgeoisOppressor: I wonder if orgy after-parties, on average, result more, or less often in orgies than regular after-parties.