Dove? Pigeon? Looks more like a flying elephant to me!
Dove? Pigeon? Looks more like a flying elephant to me!
It might not be a great idea, but it sure looks great!
@ploopsy: No, it's called Mega Mall of the Mind. Didn't you read the article? :P
So to recap, teenagers shout "Wooooooo!", because their mind-Gap is really far away. Ok.
I approve of this post. No, wait. I approve evolved. :D
@flotilla: There is no such thing as a free Star.
Bash is the left foot!? I would expected a more important role for him. Maybe the torso? No, wait! The penis.
Quincy Medicine Woman??
Hit me with your Yub Nub, BioWare.
Ooh! Sure as hell hope it's Tingle's mom! Can't get enough of that little old effer.
@Felipe058: Excellent. I would so promote your comment, if I still had my star! :)
@Arthur-Otaku: Get yourself a copy of Sin & Punishment 2, and stop complaining.
Is that a Second Life reference, or something? Reach beta, perhaps?
@AA7: Only if "nothing" is a member of the set of "night notes". (Which it shouldn't be.)
But it's more comfortable now! Let future-me deal with the pain! That douche. (He's not nearly as big as a douch as past-me, though. He's a real bastard.)
@Jandau: Really? I've generally heard favorable things about it, especially regarding season 2. I quite like it myself, as well.
I... want to... play this... Help?
X was also the first title Totaka Kazumi worked on for Nintendo, and the origin of Totaka's Song! #Trivia
@Stephen Totilo: Ah, well if that's how you roll, then it's a dozenal system ([]), but I was expecting the double "1" to simply be the numeral after "10". :)
Gotta love Totilo's undecimal system. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, not 10, 10.