
OG cups or GTFO.

How did they manage to lose the incredible flavor the cups have? I love all candy but I it’s a hard pass with those.

There’s something satisfying knowing that every well known media and political figure who ever harassed women (or men) is having a hard time sleeping because they don’t know If they’re next.

Effie, I’m not sure that I understand your comment but neither I nor any commenter can ungrey you on a permanent basis.

Don’t be embarrassed, go at it. I have long been confused over the grays issue and the unfairness of it, thank you for bringing it up.

As is your right. But many others are exceedingly frustrated.... Someone who only discovered Gawker a scant three years ago, I turned reluctantly to Jez after Gawkers demise......there are only so many #AngryLesbians one Gay Man can take.........(I break through the grays by #NotCaring.......I SHALL have my say.....#HappyToShoutIntoTheVoid......

This is very lovely of you, and as a perma-grey, thank you.

Thank you. I feel a little embarrassed by having to make such a request: perhaps I should have let the issue unfold naturally but this seems like an important topic to a lot of people! And hugs back atcha, love!

*blushes* And I, yours!

Hi Jinni, I’m new commenting tonight but have read jezzie for a while, I’m somewhere above saying you guys have got me through a tough time without realising. You being one of them, you always have something thoughtful to say. Commenting to stop your comment ( great idea) from drowning,

Well that’s a horribly inefficient system! I’d have better odds getting struck by lightning than having a staffer notice my brilliance and pull me out of a gray pit!

Exactly. And, yes, I do believe that that was the reason for the grays in the first place. And it was brilliant. And your idea is perfection.

I just recently started commenting and you’ve already used your superpowers on me ;-) I don’t think I’ve personally earned my way out of the grays yet, but in general I’ve seen people commenting about this here and there for a while so it doesn’t seem like a bad idea.

Thank you, dear! Any other ideas are welcome, too!

Thank you!

I’m not an approved commenter and I still don’t do a ton of posting, so I can understand my being in the grays. However, I’ve also seen the conversations about this issue and it seems like this might be something to try.

Thank you. I have been a member for more than three years and am stuck in gray purgatory. Sometimes I don’t even bother commenting because so few, if any, will see it. I like the idea of a probationary period.

Hi, Jezebelles (and beaux)!

This is an absolutely fucking disgusting take and you should be ashamed. That’s literally the same gaslighting logic people used to try and discredit Cosby’s accusers.