
Yeah. So much for Jez supporting the victims.

This headline sucks, you guys.

Not surprised this list would contain several items snarking on women’s movements and Clinton supporters and exactly 1 item pseudo-snarking but really humble bragging about supporting Bernie.


no fear....

In general, France is not a country with a coherent perspective as it relates to the ethics or moralities of free society.

Given the current environment of Make Men Masters Again, I think that this dried up dung-stuck-on-the-bottom-of-a-boot is enjoying more accolades than ever.

Well, the cinématique française can go and fuck itself.

hell is an unwelcome ass grab, and the inability to realize that it’s wrong. we absolutely CAN flip out every time someone pats an ass. and that’s just a start. i think a fair Social Grope Clause should include responding to unsolicited touching by punching the toucher in the dick, because hey, we can’t flip out every

Go. To. Hell. Seriously.

Twelve years ago. This happened 12 years ago. His wheelchair excuse doesn’t work if he’s only been in a wheelchair for 5 years. What a jerk. His wife is an enabler too.

Right how dare she assume that a former President would treat her like a human being.

Goddamn it you fucking humans.

I have the same thing. I mute him, even if it’s during a Colbert segment. He’s bad for my blood pressure and general philosophy of life.

For those who haven’t read it, Trump’s interview over the weekend with Fox Business Channel’s Maria Bartiromo is prima facie evidence, all by itself, of his complete unfitness for ANY office. From the Vox article on it:

You can not be fucking serious with this.

Tone deaf is exactly the description. “We won’t sign Kap. We won’t let players kneel without repercussions. But we’ll give you a guy who tries to appropriate black culture and who was a spineless, dickless, asshat when it came to Janet Jackson.” What the fuck is the NFL thinking?