Prostate of Dorian Gray

This whole thing was a classic example of peak white feminism (TM)

love this piece. This story is infuriating me. Do these authors not realize that an actual young woman wrote this? in South Dakota FFS? as part of a book selection committee? Who is now overwhelmed with internet hate? And that they are powerful authors who did this largely out of vanity but under the cover of, grrrrl

My comment was about feeling relief when men who ogle are unable to verbalize their desire. Of course women can behave inappropriately and I’m sorry this is happening to your husband. People don’t learn unless there are consequences.

These fuckers LOVE to talk about how much of their wealth they’ve “given away.” Okay you paid billions in taxes. Cool, bro! That’s what you’re supposed to do, and you don’t get a medal for that.

The median lifetime earnings for an American is about $3 million, a billion dollars is 333x that.

Taxes or guillotines, it's not a hard choice.

Once again, it needs to be pointed out that in the real world, there is one and only one superpower: compound interest.

“Butt stuff” is a pretty humorous term, though.

They probably put sugar in it, they put sugar in everything.

I’m glad People has shared the gospel of John Legend’s good man sex appeal. Girl next door is a thing, boy next door is a thing too. Your parents don’t mind that he is in your room. They foolishly encourage you to see him for “home work” or “bible study”. He is adorable, intelligent, with a high EQ . He is a good

I am as surprised as Joey.

So a female college student attempted to raise the level of discourse on her campus by removing books written for young teens from the recommended reading list. Seems like a good thing. It is infantilizing for the college students to have children’s books recommended for them. Sure it might be enjoyable to read these

It’s funny looking at all this “nothing’s going to happen” cynicism then going back to look at the comments under previous articles about impeachment with a whole other crop of commenters basically accusing Pelosi and “centrists” (because apparently now “centrists” are the all-purpose boogeymen) of being cowards

I count backwards from 100 by 7. It works. 

“Bleh! This pasty schmuck tastes like aspirin and chalk. Bleh!

This is the same dude that spray-painted hair on his head before going on a Sunday pundit show despite the fact that the dude is on TV, like, all the time. He’s a psychopath who gives no fucks and clearly hates anyone with skin a darker shade than “bleached milk” (with an exception for Tang Orange). I wouldn’t be

I have come to enjoy Lawyers, Guns, and Money for my left-leaning analysis lately. It’s got Splinter’s snark, without being nearly as condescending and full of itself.

This just creates a ‘savior’ complex, we just hope rich people will come to our aid with money for charity, for hurricanes and tornadoes, for healthcare costs, for education. When in reality, if we just fucking taxed these individuals appropriately we would have funding in place to take care of each other when things

I saw that too, and I’d watch it in a second. They’d have to do like Barbara Ehrenreich did when she was living the life she wrote about in Nickel and Dimed and drop all the resources they had prior to the experiment. No whipping out the Black card or pulling from savings or selling your Porsche. Minimum wage, and

I’d say I’m middle class, and I’ve been working in professional jobs for over 20 years. There is no doubt that, despite raises, my money is tighter now more than ever. It just doesn’t go as far. Our salaries have not kept up with the world. Good to know that the CEO class still and again comes out ahead.