Prostate of Dorian Gray

Just testing things out.  

In case you didn’t get a chance to respond to the GO Media management about the direction of the sites yesterday because they are post-deleting cowards, here’s the email address you need.

Haven’t there also been a number of men who have resigned over sexual scandals (of varying degrees of awfulness)? Al Franken, Anthony Weiner, etc?”

THANK YOU! I am amazed at the number of people that think “Well they’re already leaked, might as well peek”. They’re still not for public consumption. I bet the huge celebrity nude photo leak a few years ago gave all these assholes carpal tunnel. 

I have learned so much in a a 2 minute read. Thank you a million times over.

May no one ever violate your trust. 

You’re right.  His body type doesn’t match at all.  It’s more just his idiotic good nature when he plays Prince George that makes me think it.  Plus now he’s old enough to play Vimes instead. 

Hugh Laurie was the perfect addition to that show. He’s the person I choose in my ultimate dream cast for Captain Carrot when I imagine a Discworld show/movie.

I’m always happy to see a Black Adder reference.  Season three was the best one. 

Medicine used to believe in frenology too, but I don’t discount my doctor’s advice because of it.

Hugs from someone that was in similar circumstances. 

“And I certainly never said being smart is a crime. Please re-read what I wrote and see who I blamed (I blamed the officer).”

I don’t think you’re arguing in good faith about this. 

They've been told for 3 years now.  They're not gonna listen. 

The Boomers already beat you to it. It’s just on a delay so they can be gone first.

TERF’s can fuck right off. 

Seriously, are you okay?  

Are you okay?

Oh I was just trying to find Hokes and Roo and all the people I like. They’ve mostly disappeared from the Root and clashtalk is no more. I can’t really figure out how to navigate the subblogs and finally remembered to check my feed. The loss of Splinter did not affect me in anyway. I left that place after they greyed

I’m starting to think religion might be a scam.