The comments over on Deadspin remind me why I never watch basketball with people anymore; sports fans are mostly assholes. The level of hatred for a guy that was simply a great scorer is unbelievable. Carmelo is a HOF player, period.
The comments over on Deadspin remind me why I never watch basketball with people anymore; sports fans are mostly assholes. The level of hatred for a guy that was simply a great scorer is unbelievable. Carmelo is a HOF player, period.
Well gosh, since we can’t control where and how terrorists strike all their “soft targets”, maybe we should regulate the tools they’re choosing to use instead of clinging to the fantasy that doughy middle aged white guy a concealed carry permit will save us. Because again, it hasn’t happened.
They’re not top 50 or anything, but Jose Canseco and Mark MacGwire have a pretty good flow.
“the fastest thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is another guy with a gun.”
Chuck D can’t make the cut?
Then where is KRS-One?!
So....would you call yourself a ham-ateur?
In 1997, I was at a Speedway in Cambridge, Ohio, buying gas on my way to work. A man walked up and handed me a business card offering me a “great opportunity”. He was trying to recruit me into the KKK. My shaved head, shaved because it was hot as hell at work, gave out the wrong message. Ohio is crazy racist and I am…
If it's a good game, it'll be even better when it costs 15 bucks.
Michael, was Nancy the one who wrote so much crazy that you posted the entire unedited email down in the comments for us all?
Try to imagine this from the perspective of the kids on the court that day, not as a regular Colin Cowherd listener. If Magic Johnson had shown up at 13 y/o Prostate’s ballgame and goofed around with us beforehand, I would talk about it to this day and I am 46 years old. It would be the first thing I tell new people…
If you could offer Ben Carson a do-over, knowing everything he knows now (he doesn't win the presidency, his reputation is in tatters, etc ), do you think he would simply avoid getting into politics at all?
I’m very worried about the young man that started the Trump Twitter archive. Not for his safety or anything, but his mental well-being. Also possibly his liver.
Was Burneko involved in your banning? I think it's based on his mood that day, his daily fiber intake, and whether the Wizards lost the night before.
Now everyone is going to back to the greys again.
“We welcome and enjoy all people from all walks of life except total frauds and complete morons. I don’t care where you were born, just go back somewhere.”
I don’t know who let you out of the greys by since you’re here, yes context matters and stop being dense. The whole “why can’t WE say it” argument is weak and stupid. It’s the same reason I can call my sister a “shrill bitch” and we both laugh, but if you called her that, you’d be stepping in something you couldn’t…
Yeah, Guillermo is in the penalty box; he always looks uncomfortable. Dan threw all those guys out to protect them from from ESPN’s wrath. There’s no Trump lovers in his radio crew.
I think it was the third hour with Mina Kimes.