Prostate of Dorian Gray

And she’s funny as hell, too. 

Yeah we’re drowning in politness. 

Maybe some sort of gun owners insurance and licensing process?  I have to show competence and have proof of insurance to own my car.  Seems like that might be a good thing for gun owners as well.

The Special Olympics should reclassify themselves as a defense contractor.  They'd have more money than they could imagine. 

The proper term to incite greying is "childblogger".  

There’s also his moment with Joe the Plumber when he talked about spreading the wealth around. The GOP hung that “socialist” albatross around his neck before the even got the job.   Nothing wrong with thinking through how policies might sound to the public.  

This is good Kinja.

I try to exclusively work in dogshit takes myself.  (I realize this is two days late, but work has been nuts.)

That’s what blows my mind with all these white supremacy types. They only want the credit for all the good shit. You can’t declare yourself in charge of, and take credit for, everything while simultaneously absolving yourself of any of the problems of society as well.

Peter Ustinov gets no love?

Just two thumbs are fine. 

Eat poop.

If we see a picture of you, would you look like someone getting themselves prepared for this impending conflict, or would you just be another fat guy with a neck beard that couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag? I mean, I’m also a chubby white guy who hasn’t been near a war, but I also don’t pretend to

You have to listen to others to learn things. Splinter blocked the entire commentariat to avoid listening to others.

Most of baraka's posts come across like something you'd shout at your parents the first Thanksgiving back from college.  "YOU'RE OUT OF TOUCH, DAD!"  

There is no nuance to be had here you, you...CENTRIST! Splinter knows that the best way to govern is for one group to get everything they want with no compromises.  How can that possibly be bad for anyone?  

Nick Offerman rules. 

“At least she doesn’t make the news on a daily basis for saying stupid shit, as her co-hosts do.”

Who keeps forcing you to watch the View?

If my local comic shop wanted my support, they wouldn’t have acted like dicks virtually every time I came in for my pull list.  Digital comics are awesome.