I would once again like to thank all the Bernie Bros for not compromising their principles in 2016.
I would once again like to thank all the Bernie Bros for not compromising their principles in 2016.
I really don't know how people keep their cool in these kinds of situations.
“Jason Saves You 30 Bucks” would work as a headline too.
With just 4 questions in a comment section, you have already put more thought into this than Betsy DeVos.
Once in a while, I will go to the Asian grocery and buy the dollar a pack ones instead of my standard Nissin brand. They're really good but... they're a buck a piece.
Also a book would be nice. Something interesting and thought provoking. But get it from a used bookstore; no sense paying full price.
A list for your dirtbag white friends (or me anyway):
“I feel like there’s a piece of information missing from this story on the bank’s end.”
It sounds as if freshman year has been pretty exciting for you so far.
Getting divorced sucks. Even if it’s the right thing for you to do for your life, the whole process just sucks. Hang in there.
That's a detail I missed. It changes almost nothing in my mind. A man my age paid to have sex with a child; the world is slightly better without them.
She was a child escaping a pimp. I don’t know how that is lost on all the people on the judicial side of this.
See, this is one of those things I want to believe, but for the sake of my own sanity force myself not to.
The Washington Post also didn’t have an article suggesting that arson is a legitimate form of protest either. I’m thinking they might adhere to slightly higher journalistic standards.
It’s this dude’s standard operating procedure. He's been here doing this for a long time.
Apologies are short and direct. When you're at five paragraphs, you're offering justifications and hoping that passes as regret.
Someone in a position of power that has played the “rent or food” game before!
So...light the Supreme Court on fire?
“Why does NASA only drink Sprite?
I keep waffling between the idea that this is all going to take down Trump and the idea that absolutely nothing is going to stick to him.