Prostate of Dorian Gray

Nope. Now Hamilton can blame Obama for everything, but without pushback. Which is the point of this whole thing.

Jimmy Carter is calling for oversight in our own election. It’s like we’re a third world dictatorship.  

Fve paragraphs written by an attorney screams sincere apology.

Oh I love you.  

I salute you for trying to inject nuance into the Splinter comments.  That's tough sledding, friend.  

“If you discourage kids from communicating well because ‘they’ll sound like white people’, then you’re not helping.”

The Washington Racial Slurs had a big scandal break last year (that went nowhere in the news cycle) that had a bunch of cheerleaders being coerced into not exactly escorting, but escort adjacent behavior. They were out of the country, as a group, and someone in charge essentially took their passports away to get them

“Well-spoken" is not a compliment.  It's the subtle racism of lowered expectations.  

““They want to turn America into a socialistic country,” Spaeth said. “It’s disgusting.”

Racist Bannon.  

Dude, it’s so fucked down here. Your take might even be too kind.

Look, all I know from reading Splinter is that either Obama or Hillary are to blame for everything Trump is doing wrong. It makes perfect sense. That neither one are in any position of power currently is irrelevant.  


New Balance has that demographic all locked up.  

Somebody ask Hamilton Nolan if this passes his purity test for former president's that somehow only applies to the Obama's.  

Bad or not, it was fun as shit.  

I worry about anyone getting their information from cable news.  NPR and the Washington Post have served me well for many years now and nobody shouts over each other.  

It's been 15 minutes, but the system keeps getting worse and worse, so who knows?

She's becoming Harold Stassen.