Doug Stanhope huh? Well that’s an interesting choice.
Doug Stanhope huh? Well that’s an interesting choice.
Rowdy Roddy Piper.
Always up for more Luke Cage. However, the first season of Black Lightning just showed up on Netflix. I am seven episodes in and it’s better than just about any other superhero TV show going.
Dude, pollinators have enough problems without you buying traps.
The other guy in the line of fire is somehow at fault here?! That’s your takeaway? The business end of firearms are pretty fucking scary.
Sue everyone. That cop, the department, the city, the county, the gun manufacturer, and whomever else is even tangentially involved. Eventually some municipality is going to realize it’s much cheaper to hire and train better cops than it is to keep paying out settlements when the current ones fuck up.
Arch Moore might be one of the biggest scumbags my home ever produced.
Glad you mentioned the mining accident he was responsible for. I saw the name and kept thinking it couldn’t be the same guy, but I guess once you’ve killed 30 people in the the name of profit, shame doesn’t factor into your life.
“Why aren’t the jokes written for 25 year olds resonating with my 45 year old self? It must be the failings of the SNL writers. I’m just as hip as I always was.”
“doesn’t perform oral sex on his wife Nicole Tuck because he is the King, and she should just be happy that he is taking care of her and her family.”
“Fun With Peter King” was a fantastic way to waste a Monday lunch hour.
Who is going to let GM’s assassinate a player’s character anonymously now?! Did Peter even think about that? How can they poison the well if the well retires?
It’s going to be stuck in my head the rest of the day now.
You’ve used the term “reverse racism” without irony many times, haven’t you?
A few days shy of 45 and I’m still good enough to impress the boy and his classmates. Lots of second and third place finishes on fortnite, still can’t snag that elusive solo win though.
I will be going for a repeat viewing, but damn I don’t know if I can do that scene again.
Day 1 is three weeks out from the target date? I can’t imagine that didn’t prepare him better.
A couple hours in a YouTube rabbit hole is more than enough learning to qualify one to debunk all observational data for the last 2000 years.
Oh good God I can’t imagine how it is for them. At the time, I was white and late 30's getting back into comics (still white but mid-40's now), and there were always these dudes hanging out acting as the keepers of knowledge. They have to comment on the shit you’re buying and make sure you know they’re more informed…
So if it’s an adjective to describe a noun, I am good. This is important to know as cultural norms change whether I am in the loop or not. Using it as a stand-in for bitch isn’t something I have an issue with anyhow.