Prostate of Dorian Gray

She should try to marry an adult the second time around. Nothing wrong with gaming; we’re a house full of gaming dorks and everyone occasionally finds a game that they really want to crack out on. However, we all also know that real people are more important than videogames.

I just saw your new post. How do you not drink whiskey straight from the bottle by this point?

Breanna got to report on something nice happening for once! Yay!

*if you’re feeling FULL, you’re feeling something. (This fucking phone and I.....)

Dr. Strange is a lame dork no matter whom he is played by.

It’s easy Yesha. You just act like other people are home when they deliver all that extra food, and then you cry a little bit while polishing off the third entree. If you have self esteem, this may be a tougher task. Just remember, if you’re feeling, at least you’re feeling something.

Dude, be better. I’m a 6'3" bear of a man who looks like an extra in Sons of Anarchy and I wouldn’t answer my door under these circumstances.

Does that mean the pattern on the fabric is digitally printed or the suit itself came out of some crazy 3D printer thing? (I hope I don’t sound stupid asking this question)

“Fringe” not “friends” you stupid phone. You don’t know better than me what I am trying to say!

Guy in Nautica hat and pastels gets disproportionately angry at other guy in Nautica hat and pastels over game.

When did America become a civilized country?

I worked on the friends of the golf industry for about 10 years. The majority of golf people are self-important middle aged white dudes.

Uncomfortable truths are uncomfortable. You can pout or try some introspection. One leads to personal growth.

Warren Harding would like a word.

Down here in NC, they’re doing everything except a poll tax and a literacy test to keep Af-Am voters from voting. Do we not expect them to simply get tired occasionally? It seems unfair to continue to pin the problems of the country on a group of people that has the most obstacles to simply get to the polls.

Look at the tent Feely is pitching. He agrees.

Relax tough guy. Nobody is taking your penis substitute away.

It would be the top selling New Balance shoe ever. Only available in all white.

Did you all see that bullshit from Adidas about Colin? “If an NFL team picked him up, we absolutely would give him an endorsement deal.”. So fucking do it already. There’s about 10 rappers that have deals with Adidas, and I would guess Kanye and I have about the same athletic ability.

Was “Stop police from murdering citizens” a ballot initiative that we all missed?