Prostate of Dorian Gray

But he’d still talk down to us.

A car that will drive while I take a nap is one of my hopes for the future.

My inner child is just stunned and delighted that these things keep getting made. I still have nightmares about the Spider-Man television movies.

We followed a magical martial arts master as he wore suits and frowned in a boardroom. That’s about the last thing I want from an Iron Fist show.

There’s a whole lot of Al Bundy’s out there that think playing highschool football equates to serving their country.

That’s not how taxes work. Someone is embezzling money from you.

“Not all so-called conservatives are global warming skeptics, Jesus freaks, bigots or misogynists. “

Or that businesses answer only to a small group of shareholders.

“But he speaks his mind and pisses of the libtards”

Don’t search Twitter for truth or anything else. Down that path lies madness.

Yep. I too am a reader and not a talker. I totally get what you’re saying.

“Gawd! Learn to take a joke!”

Perhaps you should derive less of your identity from 20 year olds that happen to play basketball at your alma mater.

You’re doing some impressive mental gymnastics to talk yourself into a college basketball coach/pimp being “clean”.

They’re kept eligible by the schools, not educated.

This is the weirdest version of “the people that know me know what’s in my heart”.

“The fish is like a spy or something, and there’s this secret plot involving Russians and the cold war and the space race, and ...”

You are in time out.

Isn’t that what usually wins at the Oscars?

I know you are, but what am I?