Prostate of Dorian Gray

This doesn’t seem like it’s going to go well. I don’t doubt the Root side of things, but given the few forays I have made over there and their treatment of you, Hachi, and a few others, I don’t see this being pleasant.

I only end up over there when I am following someone’s comments in my feed. I followed something Major Burn said a few days ago and found a bunch of people trashing sex workers. It was gross, especially because there were actual sex workers in the thread pointing out how wrong some of the folks were about their value

Sideswiped at damn near 100 miles an hour and the passenger gets charged?! What the hell is that shit?

It’s a fine line between “emotionally unavailable” and being “careful what you say to them.”

Where are the Fraggles and Marjorie the All Knowing Trash Heap? Pa Gorg by himself seems like an odd choice.

Did any bulldogs in the area exhibit any strange behaviors, paranoia for example?

I believe they call that a lookout, not a witness. 🤣

The right continues to push for small government. A government so small that it can fit inside a woman’s vagina.

Yeah there are times my decision making process, even at 44, comes down to “What would Captain America do here?” Some things of course require more nuance, but there are worse tenets one could follow.

If your office March Madness pool generates 300 dollars, no one will care. If it generates a billion dollars, people will start poking around. Money laundering is still a crime.

Isn’t that some shit an uncle would say too?

“We destroyed Manhattan less than the nuke you launched would have. Cap’s moral compass always points North, Tony is a dumb baby. We out!”

It was fun and a good intro for the character; one of my personal faves. Granted I am biased as I like my heroes unambiguously good and moral. One of the many reasons to be geeked about Infinity War is it looks like Cap and T’challa are going to be running around together.

Well yeah! He’s Michael Keaton.

If I am the Heat, Flash is still the guy I want to take the last shot.

It’s been nice to discover how many comic book dorks there are here on the Root.

The whole third act was terrible.

Mike is going to be adorably obnoxious.

You read Terry Pratchett! Your user name is awesome! He is my favorite author of all time.

I’m a little embarrassed Monique. You gave us this and I didn’t get you anything.