Prostate of Dorian Gray

He isn’t even better than Django Rienhardt and that dude is dead and only has 6 fingers.

“On the other hand I love Cream. Best power trio ever.”

Ten bucks says this guy doesn’t have kids!

You are in time out.

If you’d gotten dunked on any harder, you’d be a French center.

“The merest accident of microgeography had meant that the first man to hear the voice of Om, and who gave Om his view of humans, was a shepherd and not a goatherd. They have quite different ways of looking at the world, and the whole of history might have been different. For sheep are stupid, and have to be driven.

Goddamn it I even miss Dubya. I would rather have Reagan’s reanimated corpse in charge if Satan would loan him to us.

The Root and Deadspin. Found my way here by accident today. Splinter is a cesspool.

Thank you for reminding me why I stopped coming here.

You made the comparison. Burden of proof is on you. These events don’t simply exist in a vacuum. A resource rich nation repelling invaders is going to get back on track far faster than a nation formed out of a slave revolt.

“Also, I hope they’re really sincere in their mission, because when you strip away the positive sounding messaging, they’re essentially a bunch of hyped up white dudes with guns, ready and willing to fight… always a potentially dangerous formula.”

These are not good comparisons.

Your stalking of Michael is still in the adorable phase. 🤣

“After service that night, everyone gathered around in the church parking lot to gaze at the pastor’s shiny new car. (It was a shitty Chrysler New Yorker, but to me, it was a might as well have been a Maserati.”

But enough about Peter King.

That’s one of the saddest claims I have ever seen.

If you’re not paying for my life rights, you don’t get to shop this script around.

Damon, completely off topic but I heard you on Lebatard over the holidays talking to Clinton Yeats. It was really cool and I was happy for you; just keep forgetting to mention it. Way to go.

“The race for the worst president in American history is starting to look like no contest with a wide margin between the front-runner Donald Trump and the rest of the pack.”

Seriously. I’m not going to the gym at 6 a.m. either.