
[sees how terrible Kinja still is]

Now we can finally have David Lynch’s Star Wars.

Sounds like you’re projecting your cynicism.

It’s too bad that you’re missing Lynch’s masterpiece.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that after the release of a new David Lynch movie. Opinions are typically split between “genius” and “joke/mess”, then the latter group slowly diminishes with every year that passes.

I’m sorry you don’t like it. A lot of us think it’s just great. Not every episode is amazing by my metric, but the overall ride has been fantastic.

Considering how often TV pushes the message, “Your family may be abusive dickweeds but you have to love them anyway because that’s what convention dictates”, I think it’s really great that this episode comes out and says, “If your family makes you miserable you can and should cut them out of your life”. Families are

I vehemently disagree, and felt the show not only showed that mental health problems can make you an awful person to be around, but was smart enough to have a character who was aware of and would exploit the myth of the depressive who sees through the World’s bullshit.

I agree the show had a shaky start. It was just

If that’s what you got from the show I posit that you are actually a shallow person.

I don’t think that anyone thinks that Bojack is a “Deep Person” and if they do they are severely misguided. It indicts his actions and behavior while showing that there aren’t always easy answers to things and also showing the true scope of what depression can be like.