
Testing, testing... Is this thing on?

Goodbye all! Best of luck.

I'd estimate >95% of Americans aren't even aware 'gypsy' is a slur, though I would expect a student of history like Carlin to have come across that by now.

Happy news. They only had time to scratch the surface of what could be done with the characters in the first season.

nothing personal, kid

You embarrassed yourself.

The Writer's Almanac
History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps
Revolutions (and its predecessor, The History of Rome)
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
TV Avalanche
Rose Buddies
Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine
My Brother, My Brother And Me

I don't understand a word of this, but then, I don't understand English. I'm just a monkey randomly banging on a keyboard.

There's a good chance I may have committed some light treason.

Flagged and blocked.

The Democratic Party
Snatching Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory

Hey, I would've voted for Obama for a third term if I could have!

As that headline up above suggests, Amazon’s latest new show, Comrade Detective, is kind of hard to describe. Shot as a 1980s period piece, the show presents itself as a Romanian cop show—complete with established Romanian stars Florin Piersic Jr. and Corneliu Ulici as the detectives—which has then been dubbed over by

And why doesn't Batman dance anymore?

My assumption would be that Lord and Miller knew what they were doing. They've turned out a few good movies.

Love Is Love

It should be!

They commented on us. I would've thought after it'd been done once, the others wouldn't repeat the same observations, but I guess they weren't listening to each other.
