
but her emails

You heard about Pluto? That's messed up, right?

Claim: Guardians of the Galaxy literally isn't Citizen Kane.


He saved friendship with a song!

Lick-lick-lick my balls! Haha, yeah! Say that all the time.

Oh, he's serious. And don't ever question his seriousness.


Is that still a thing?

Dial back news consumption is really the only serious advice I've got.

I've been away a while, but I just remembered to check in on my beloved Cancellation League, and woohoo! My name in bold! I gotta muster up some more points and get into the top 3!

It was a great show, and I'd have come back for more, but 3 seasons and a final episode which works perfectly as a series finale is as much as can be asked of most shows. I'll remember it fondly, and hope to introduce others to it one day.

No, I don't think so.

Aubrey Plaza tore it out.


And I'm looking forward to it, but unless they pull the trigger on the alien invasion it's all been building to, not quite bizarre enough.

That's too much, man!

This madness may fill the hole in my heart left by Legion.

Ha! I wasn't comparing their artistic accomplishments. But you already knew that, which is why you're getting blocked. Feel free to scream into the void with all your fellow abuse apologists.