
Amazon has the LOTR prequel series covering Aragorn’s early years.

I’m so conflicted about this.

I made the mistake (at work) of criticizing people who buy 100 plastic water bottles a week by saying how ridiculous and wasteful it was/is.

Yeah airplanes are renowned for their ability to never be affected by weather...

I’d be willing to bet that the Navy said “we’ve got enough of these things, don’t deliver any more” and some congressman said “no, you’re going to buy more because the factory is in my district.”

To me, this is another example of how the US needs to CUT military spending and reallocate that money to maintaining infrastructure and public transit.

That is the US military for you, spending cash on shit they don’t need in order to justify getting more cash to spend on shit they don’t need in the future. We really need an overhaul of military spending, time to put the military-industrial complex on a Kosher diet.

In other words, a bunch of police departments with extra asset forfeiture money are about to get new toys to play army with.

Some 12 year old is shitting bricks that it doesn’t get traced back to her work station.

For what it’s worth (little), the books did also have multiple extremely unsubtle hints that Nymeria was gathering her wolf army unto her, so this all clicks.

You go and buy the Galaxy F 3, obviously.

Who the hell was microwaving grapes anyway?

I tried this with about 6 grapes at once, and after about a minute, I was transported to the future. Not very far, in fact it was just 1 minute. 

The Daily Mail ran a big story today on Malia’s alleged “secret” Facebook account full of “anti-Trump messages,”

it was only a matter of time before Lady Death came a-knocking for The Punisher

I heartily agree. Alfa Romeo and Juliet.

What I’m finding amazing is how many in the whine-o-sphere are blaming this on AOC. Not her deal, not even her district.

And this is why you should maintain at least one car length for each 10 miles per hour or follow at least 2 seconds behind. And don’t camp out in the passing lane.

God, this makes me miss my 135is. The E82 in just about any trim was incredible to drive.

“drag from sponsor logos”