
No! Not enough! Needs a bigger grill, back to the drawing board!

Jordan Taylor is a national treasure. 

Confessions + having the murder weapon at his apartment?

Eyewitnesses are often unreliable, this stuff happens. The official sketch of the Unabomber that was used for decades showed a guy with curly hair and a thin nose, Ted Kaczynski had straight, scraggly hair and a fat nose; all the early information on the DC Beltway snipers was that they were driving a big white cargo

I’m glad the bastards were caught. but people need to stop with the race-baiting. I understand that witnessing something like that can jumble your memory. But spinning this as a hate crime was too far. People need to start working with cops to eliminate gangs. 

Ya’ll are buying a lot of hype and sure going nuts with it. 4G also promised speeds fast enough to ditch home internet - carriers never offered plans capable of it, and seldom demonstrated real life speeds fast enough. 5G will be more of the same, until someone finally breaks the data cap pricing scheme.

If you think this will end Tesla you do not understand the average car buyer.

“That’s the first time he’s done that this year.”

$60k exotic with a vinyl wrap, NY plates, listed on a NJ Craigslist, and pictures taken in a strip mall?

Hard to tell the scale of this truck a low truck could be a Dodge Ram, quad cab, two wheel drive with a chrome nerf step and lighted bull bar (super popular in Texas), or an early 00's Ranger with that chrome step and a more Baja pre-runner bumper with floods.

Beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder.. but the CL is really blarggh compared to the TL

I raise you the 2003 TL/CL Type S. Plenty of power with nice steering feel. And you can get the CL with a 6 speed manual!

Third gen Acura TL

First generation Lexus Is300, comes with the renowned Toyota 2JZ inline 6 motor. Can be had pretty cheap too 

That video is very odd to watch. Let’s take a track, crowd, and announcers that are used to watching B-Mods on Thursday night, but let’s run exotic British supercars.

Wouldn’t Occam’s razor dictate Hershey’s has skimped on something yet again and this is the end result? They’ve probably puffed .0001% more air into the mixture and it’s made it more fragile or some other cost cutting BS.

Hersheys is garbage chocolate and anyone who uses it in baked goods deserves broken tips.

Your Mac is behind the times and assumed, somehow, that the CLA is adhering to the Japanese gentlemen’s agreement.

I don't have a problem with houses exploding per se, but on live television? What am I supposed to tell my kids?