
Jock Jams. One of my favorite types of jams…

Yup, would watch.

Best King of the Hill line!

Cautiously optimistic.
There's always money in the sequels?

The whole May character was very confusing to me. I'm glad to see I'm not the only person who thought they had missed an ep! I agree that she has something to do with Moriarty. I wonder what the significance is of showing Sherlock sleeping more? Depression, breakdown, or director choice? I was glad to see there is

Lipstick??? I thought it was a scarf then I thought it was a light cardigan in another scene. Her fashion is always fun!

(Been mentioned a million times yet?….) S1 of Arrested Development if I'm correct leaving April 1.

Anyone mention Cilantro yet? Between AD and King of the Hill, I don't ever need live action TV again. ;)

Finished watching the entire series yesterday. Totally not something I would typically watch but I loved it and I'm glad to see there will be a S3. I miss Greg as others said and kept thinking he'd show up at the wedding ( maybe a la Michael Scott). I don't know all the "drama" (?) that went on with the actor but I

Long flight from Germany to US so finished watching "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend " (S1) and started "Lemony Snicket…". Watched "Arrival" last night and honestly did not love it. I'm not sure what I was expecting but I was bored.

Beth "talking" to her yogurt in the beginning was hilarious. Love her! The kid actors are all stellar. I definitely did not see the Sophie thing coming and liked how it tied into the 10th bday party.

The bits with the cocaine killed me! So looking forward to S2 ( hopefully?). Have enjoyed getting to know and appreciate the lesser known actors on the show. Ted Danson evil is wonderful.

I don't think I saw anyone mention the best scene of the show. SKB taking off his shirt to get in the bathtub. ;)
And that scene with Mandy Moore crying her eyes out was phenomenal, it rings very true.

What the hell is a "radio?"

Finally watched "30 Rock." Very glad I did. And 2015 into 2016 "Gilmore Girls." Lots of thoughts on that one…would have felt differently about it when it first aired , I think ( different time in my life, etc.).

100% agree with your first paragraph. I don't give a rat's azz about Bunheads or ASP's other shows. This was a GG episode/reboot/revival/whatever and not the time for random characters from other shows to high light their talents. That excruciatingly long musical scene should have been time used on Lane, Paris,

So happy for weekly coverage! This sort of drama is not something I usually watch, as no police/murderer/agents/ or cartoons are involved , but I'm totally sucked into it now!

Exactly the same answer (and for the mainly the same reason ) I was going to say. I really enjoy it but feel like it would almost be a chore to get through again.

Yes, absolutely and utterly fascinating! Great job internet!