
Taking my 3 kids to see it this weekend. I'm sure we will be the only ones there. ;) I hope that it doesn't drag. The previews look good, but is it enough to hold the interest of the toughest critic around…a 4 year old girl?

You forgot Jean-Ralphio :) . Great choices!

I guess it's bad that I relate the most to Adam Scott's character? So glad he's on it, dummies.

Just watched tonight and was pleasantly surprised to see the recap was back! Yippee!

Definitely didn't like this ep as much as the first. Lots of eye rolls from me and really was aware that I was watching a network show. And how many teens get a phone call…like an actual phone ringing phone call? Was it a doctor's office calling to confirm an appointment?

So he's making " Hamlet?"

Exactly what I said , too. This was a major event and not one of those kids ( even drunk/high) got a text or alert about the bombing?!

Totally thought he was talking about Colonial Williamsburg…was getting pretty confused.

Dwight K Schrute

Was scanning the posts…looking hopefully for Bernie.

Can't tell you how many times we tell our 3 small kids " if you can dodge a ___, you can dodge a ball."

It is fantastic and well worth your time. Acting, for the most part, very well done. I would not say it was gimmicky. Good recaps on AVClub that you can review.

I agree she's up to no good. But I hope the background checks would've uncovered her being in journalism (obvi could have lied).

Love local news and terrible local car/mattress commercials!

Same, just easy to follow, no awkward moments either.

You've been Jammed! I like it.

There are many confederate monuments all around downtown Raleigh ( I live here).

Completely random: the other day I was eating a yogurt, it was so good. I literally said to my husband, " Terry would really like this yogurt, Terry loves his yogurt!" I love all the things Terry has strong feelings for and liked how they brought up "Frasier" again.

Law&Order SVU marathons for sure. Or any TBS/TNT movie marathons.

Loved when Hank became Renee Zellweger's pimp. And the episode when Bobby goes on ADD meds ( I think) and says "There's some milk in the fridge that's about to go bad…. And there it goes." I randomly say that one all the time.