I would luv to see that tattoo in it’ full glory. Out of curiosity of course...
I would luv to see that tattoo in it’ full glory. Out of curiosity of course...
Now that it has become an over-saturated PROFESSION, cosplay has lost it’s novelty.
Yeah, to this generation that’s where ‘good movies’ begins..
Kotaku is bought and sold by they highest bidder on every platform. Their articles are not based on facts or real results, just feels and dollars.
Goons can all suck my balls.
If anyone gets harmed by it, Riot will be owned by that person or their family.
Pro-tip. Developers shadow-buff certain accounts.
Yeah, add more money to the equation, that ALWAYS un-corrupts things.
Just in case you forgot... this was over 20 years ago, when a CLINTON was in the White House.
these ‘dickwads’ responsible probably passed the LAWS that are being ENFORCED decades ago.
Don’t break our laws and they won’t have to worry about separation. :)
Meh.. Show me Lady Legasus cosplay, then I’ll get excited.
PUBG is dead.
It’s like Joseph Smith ripping off the Bible for the Book of Mormon and Book of Abraham. Same ‘code’,same ‘errors’ but different skin (delightsomely white of course). LOL!!
My Dual SLI 1070Ti’s laugh at you.
My Dual SLI 1070Ti’s laugh at you.
The entire meta is ridiculous. I love watching their little brains melt with confusion when you do something like Heimer top or duo-top. omfg it’s as if you are doing something they never imagined possible. Makes every account I’ve had perma-banned well worth it. In the dozens by the way, with a few more dozen alive…
Yet it is still the exact same SJW bullshit. :)
12% of the population. 99% of all the whining and bitching. 100% racial discrimination in Affirmative Action.
Lol! Right, it’s not built on top of another game altogether. Ignore truth and let Kotaku guide you down the bitcoin mining river of bullshit and lies.
Nothing more than continuation of BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’s policies. Also, do you send kids to the prison with the parent when they commit crimes?