Zero game content in article.. Kotaku is the new Yahoo!
Zero game content in article.. Kotaku is the new Yahoo!
Are you blind?
The comparison chart is missing this:
When EA and Kotaku see BFVagina sales are the lowest Battlefield sales in 15 years they will understand why ‘Solo’ bombed, why ‘The Last Jedi’ was justifiably crucified and why Donald Trump was elected president...
Please... they should feel embarrassed that they didn’t call for logical economics before Amazon even bought it. Amazon is what it is by opening all valves of revenue. The more lines for revenue means there more likely revenue will fill those lines. Also, they are being supported by the affiliates making more money…
It’s that blue wave everyone keeps talking about...
He’s a walking cartoon with no substance or real-world worth. The whole Drake thing was bought and paid for by Epic. So many fools eat it up like it was some spontaneous, random occurance. Fortnite is already suffering from fatigue and this kid is going away when Fortnite does because he has no real skill or value to…
Know what’s repulsive? The vagina takeover of the video game industry. 2018, the year true gaming died.
Pro tip. gay populations don’t propagate. So the hetero population is the only relevant population in a survival context.
David Hogg approves of this message.
Or PC today...
“Let’s make something that sells for $200, sells out in less than 12 hours and then not make any more when we could sell 100x more.” Brilliant business model. Those intellectual minds at work.
“Let’s make something that sells for $200, sells out in less than 12 hours and then not make any more when we could…
2018, year of the vaginas.
MTG is the only game the world has room for in the physical sense. Digital games are the only place anyone should even consider a TCG anymore. Hearthstone is literally just he digital version of the WoWTCG... that most people never new existed. I’ve got ~1000 of those cards, cool to have but the game excels in the…
Yep. Doing the only thing possible.. out stupid-OP’ing the last expansion x10. The game has gone off the rails and lost all control. It’s only a matter of time before “Play this card and win” happens. LOL! So predictable.
Back when it was funny... sigh...
It’s amazing! Men and Women are equal in all things... until being the weaker sex gets the benefit.
I’ve seen her streams, and she likes to ride bare-back on other popular streams also.. she really isn’t that good. Her following is due to one thing. the V.
Yep, if you do exploration for 14 hours a day, you MIGHT find a single filament in a week.
Wow! You guys are great at copying and pasting content you didn’t create.