Pro-tip kids, your favorite ForkKnife streamers have developer-written & blessed scripts running for them. :)
Pro-tip kids, your favorite ForkKnife streamers have developer-written & blessed scripts running for them. :)
Reaches for virtual table to stop his momentum.. virtual table gives no F’s.
The dude is a living cartoon character.
Let’s first understand why Disney Infinity was shut down in the first place... directly from a studio developer:
Full of BS and lies. the same dozen people who ran the in-game game 10 years ago run it today. It will never change. Everything this game is sold as is a lie. I’m a 9 year veteran. I’ve done it all and I can tell you everything you hear about the game is horseshit.
Disgusting. 90%+ of the $$ for ‘research’ doesn’t go to research. It goes to the bottom line of Blizzard, Yoplait, Hungry Howies, and every other corporation that fleeces fools about ‘breast cancer research’. Legally they are required to pay very little, % in the single digits typically, to the cause they are claiming…
There is so much brushing going on, it’s pathetic... and idiots have no idea they’re being lied to.
D Omegalul C
You assume Kotaku is in the business of journalism. They are in the business of ‘pay us and we’ll do a story on it’.
Sell the more powerful GPU for less money and you will win. There you go, kids.
This is what we call ‘Jumping The Shark’, kids.
They will just pack up and move to a right-to-work state, of which there are 28 more than willing to let them go tax-free for a decade, where unions have no teeth. Also, video games are not even remotely considered an industry where it would even make sense. Most unions are based around day-to-day necessities such as…
The nano-suit was just stupid. Frost-ray? Even accepting that the suit is made from nano-whatevers, you can’t just increase the size/density. Basic law of physics, you can’t create something from nothing. I’ll buy the release of energy for propulsion or concentrated-energy for damage even if the source is ridiculous,…
You know they are all retiring because you are their agent? Or because new contracts are against the law?? Just curious how you got there... I’m sure billion-dollar films just don’t fit into any of their life-plans.
This film just galvanized the fact that the Black Panther and ‘Wakanda’ serve no purpose aside from flat out PC diversity. Take BP and Wakanda away and you simply do the Vision extraction surgery in a secret Stark facility and literally nothing changes in this entire universe.
Women are ruining the industry in every way possible. Gaming is now a PC cesspool of people crying about everything that made games fun once-upon-a-time and forcing changes to accommodate those attempting a hostile takeover of something that was never theirs.
#FakeNews. Chris Roberts and all his idiot cultists remind us all constantly that any AAA title takes at LEAST 20 years before it hits beta-testing.
Congratulations kids. You bought all the bullshit when they ran trials and studies... here is your reward. The sad thing is that enough of you idiots will gladly pay for more energy to encourage more of this fleecing of fools.
They need to bring this stuff to the Switch. Such a shallow, re-hashed library.
Now I now why I haven’t seen a Milka in a long time... Just a damn Cadbury bar parading around like a deceitful little bastard in almost perfect Milka cosplay.