
I’m sure the few thousands of dollars lost will do fatal damage to the trillion-dollar corporation...

Add this to the list of reasons you are not a CEO... of anything.

Friends with benefits...

Good thing Photoshop is illegal to use now.. oh wait, it’s not.

E3 has become nothing more than a gross display of greed and out-of-control corporatism in the industry of games. Each presenter or ‘developer’ refuses to display the human costs behind every ‘product’.

YAY!! Another gaming-niche (or former niche) sucked up by mass-production and corporatism to be sold to the masses while in the process making the entire idea of cosplay as it relates to games and film cheap and over-saturated.. YAY CAPITALISM!! YAY!!!

Welcome to reality sweetheart. Everything you think you know about love and relationships is pure garbage you learned from entertainment.

Those ‘half-wits’ beat your candidate. HAHAHAHHAHAHAAA!!!!

That pretty much describes Nintendo as a whole over the last 15 years.

Like antifa using fascism to fight.... fascism.........

Lol @ female gamers. Stay out of the kitchen if you can’t take the heat... or stay in maybe? Although, sadly there are so many metro-soyboys in gaming nowadays they might as well be girls too.

Why does Japan always get these things? This would outsell everything for 6 months where I live. 90 at night, 108 in the daytime.... for 6 fkn months.

Show us something that you beat tens of millions of other people at... *crickets*

Magic is a game that is an enemy of itself. Like the comic-book world it is very nearly impossible to ‘pick up and get into’. 99% of the content is irrelevant and in the past.. but then they just pick and choose random parts of the past and say, “Ok, this is they way we are re-inventing everything that we have already

SCII World Builder. WCIII models. Get on that and you will get the money.

Its only ships that will only be available to anyone who has the time or money to get to fkn Iceland for Fan Fest. Just the infinite gap getting wider between the landlords/haves and anyone relatively new (0-3 years).

Those camera angles highly-suggest the entire thing was staged. The cameramen, which there would have had to at least be 2, would have caught each other at those angles if it was truly spontaneous event. Most likely it was 1 guy changing angles between cuts... getting the reactions of the other guys at the same time..

Ha, he was totally set up. Sad part is he took the jail-bait. When you can’t get laid by 18+ when you have at least pseudo-celebrity status... you’re doing it wrong.

Complicated my ass. A 9th grade Computer Science student could write an algorithm sorting requests. Just like WoW and Raid Finder, they still haven’t quite figured it out, and most likely it’s intentional. Even cross-faction dungeons and raids should be doable... they have other reasons for not doing it and it has

Here is the logic.