Oh, God. Here we go again. Why don’t you post a spreadsheet of Kotaku’s pay. Would love to see that dumpster fire.. Although, since there are only beta-males and feminazis with strap-ons I’m sure the soybois all gladly accepted much lower pay.
Oh, God. Here we go again. Why don’t you post a spreadsheet of Kotaku’s pay. Would love to see that dumpster fire.. Although, since there are only beta-males and feminazis with strap-ons I’m sure the soybois all gladly accepted much lower pay.
So I cant say **** or ***** after I tell someone to go **** off?
So his brother is Shaco? D:
The time elements invoke ‘Papers, Please’? This is a terrible hack job of outright lifting ‘Papers, Please’ altogether. $25? LOL!!!
Bought and paid for CFC/Goon propaganda. And Kotaku took the bait. They do this sort of thing often, whether it’s staging a blingy Battleship or Freighter loss in-game or staging a bogus corp scam.. it has one agenda. making headlines. Congratulations Kotaku! Hook, line and sinker.
The lack of understanding of ‘free-speech’ in this thread is scary. No wonder so many of the same idiots want to revoke the 2A. They don’t even understand the very basics.
Free speech does not apply anywhere except your right to speak against gov’t without repercussion... And even then you are limited to a time and a place. LOL omg what do they teach in school? Did you even go to school?
Just another fake-hype streamer bought and paid for. Eat it up lemmings, there are more ‘spontaneous and unimaginable’ celebrity stream-bombs already lined up.
See: Chinese Communist Gov’t.. then it will make perfect sense.
I’m surprised SE doesn’t have their own version of Steam or Origin that offers access to their entire library for a monthly sub.
I imagine a Pepsi with an overwhelming flavor of fishy sea water.
Yes, to make sure you stay alive long enough to pay it off.
I assure you that these AR-15s that frighten you so much will be seen as pea-shooters compared to what a tyrannical gov’t would bring to the battlefield. Which the 2A is meant to prevent..
2/3 gun deaths are suicides. Fact.
“just another fun permutation of the usual Assassin’s Creed formula with nothing very interesting to say.”
“the line between being a pirate and being a jerk feels razor-thin.”
I guess the Gawker family of websites won’t be covering any more video games that glorify violence (so long Kotaku, now you can stick to cosplay.. oh wait, virtually all violence based with guns and other weapons.. that sucks, bye Kotaku) or films that do the same (so I guess goodbye AV Club, unless you want to just…
It is just exposing how truly archaic our school system is. The majority is still literally books and writing on paper.. Just like Egypt 5,000 years ago.
What a stupid business decision.
“sophisticated sensors”.. based on light and motion. LOL!! See a problem here?