
First of all... WHAT is driving? a he/she???

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

If only there was as much thought and creativity put into an actual story and leveling system.. ffs the items don’t even have attributes. That’s one of the pillars of ANY rpg.


Let’s see. Human nature... competitive context.. changing the inevitable reality... yeah, not going to happen.

Nothing they conjure up will be valid unless they address penalizing the instigator and not just the person who was triggered. Equal penalties or GTFO!

Lol. Actively finding ways to PREVENT and BAN paying customers. LOL!!

Why do you need a tutorial for a game with zero purpose and zero end-game? It’s clear, it’s for empty-headed neanderthals who don’t know they were just robbed of $60. But hey, at least you got XBox game pass or whatever the hell they call it.

Has any game ever been ready for launch with servers? No. You’d think someday, somewhere, someone will learn.

When you are in a life and death situation, which is potentially every call, physiology becomes overwhelming and you don’t have time to fully and calmly assess the situation. You are aware that the police have lethal weapons... So maybe you should do as you are told. And yes, soldiers are absolutely allowed to use

“they ordered him to stop and show his hands”

Battlefield Earth’...

Thanks for saving me $60 today! Tired of games that force you to have gaming ruined by relying on the incompetence of others.

You should learn more about the realities of economic theory before vomiting your ignorance on a public forum... game development is not an industry even remotely comparable to electricians, plumbers, linesmen, aircraft mechanics, postal-workers, or auto-workers, etc...

Blonde hair? Sorry, that’s cultural appropriation. He is not allowed to participate as long as he is engaged in hateful expression...

2 douchebags who wear makeup. can’t imagine why nobody likes them except their kin metro-trash.

I’m going to laugh when some kid becomes a billionaire with said assets.

Ha “New”.. “I know, lets have the old character train a kid.. how original!!” The only thing new about it is the new dollars in the pockets of the suits who keep rehashing the same old shit because stupid kids keep buying the same old shit, just with a different skin.

Oh, God... *eyeroll*

Use boobs for cash.. cry #MeToo when the world doesn’t go their way... hypocrite trash whores.