
Fun fact, no mass-shooter has ever been a member of the NRA. In fact, they had much more in common with the Democrat party than the NRA, or God.

I would luv for YOU to, here and now, give us your idea of ‘gun-control’. Let us have it. Oh? You can’t come up with a coherent explanation of what you want? Why am I not surprised.

Headline. Stupid kids take day off of school.. because, no school. Wow, who could have imagined kids would walk out of school. Yeah, kids are stupid and won’t dictate anything, sorry. :(

Ha, I see what u did there.

Funny how your all about ‘science’ except when it comes to biology... hypocrite much? or just an idiot?

I’ll take a safe-guard against tyranny, my personal safety and that of my family and over this drivel any day.

Lol! What?!?

Every second this moron is off the air, humanity wins.

Or just use your head and show up in a cloaky ship... Nah, just more evidence that CCP is corrupt and bows down to a few ‘leaders’ who make more IRL $$$ from Eve than CCP does.

No KSP: Making History xpac?? Wow, amateurs..

Brushing on Twitch is an amazing thing...

And I’m sure well over half of the 100k were brushing.

No, they are just lazy AF and have zero creativity.

Say goodbye to a good thing.

The fact that you can’t repeat the ‘tutorial missions’ shows lack of fore-sight in the developer. Which means there will be many, many more pitfalls exposed in the future, just like the lack of players using what is the very core-mechanic of the entire game.

The entire premise of expecting humans to not become emotional in a competitive context is just laughable in the first place. All games have an option to MUTE other players if bad words make your eyes burn. Most toxicity is from the reaction to an action..

And the fools will buy-in. And developers will jump on the band-wagon.. After all, what developer is gonna give away the game for ~$60 to not see another dime.. Even DLC, say 2 at $20 each.. That’s $100 for years of content you would own.. When they can screw us all and make that much in a month.. and the next month

Gotta give ‘em a hand...

Opinions that don’t derive from fact are indeed, WRONG, BIASED, IGNORANT, or outright LIES with the intent to deceive. You can decide which. Just because you ‘believe’ or ‘feel’ something doesn’t make it so, cupcake.

The player magically standing up.. that’s not an anomaly. Watch Moon missions. Happens quite often, almost like they are attached to high-wires...