
And yet ‘Spirit Wolves’ and ‘Reno Jackson’ remain... total bullshit. There is very little real-world logic to anything Blizzard does.

Maybe Valve should hire more AMERICANS and less workers from the 7 high-terrorism nations... a list that was put together by Barack Hussein Obama btw.. but facts don’t matter when it comes to arrogant dickbags blabbering about the legitimately elected president.

Welcome to the 99%, we have jackets... just kidding, we can’t afford jackets.

Tier placement has ZERO credibility. It means nothing. When 80% of your team’s skill is randomly selected for you, aka lottery, it means literally nothing. You can be the best player in the world and if you have 4 clueless dumbasses, ur fk’d. BV4life.

Gamestop, like every other corporation, cares about one thing and one thing only... PROFIT.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

You know this was done by 2-3 dickbags in suits who have never touched a game console... Invented in one of their minds to maximize the fleecing they already practice by buying used, recently released, games for $5 (fuck you Gamestop) and reselling them for $45-$50.

The Eve Online effect has hit critical mass.. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!

And what about Obama’s last minute Cuban ban? Oh, nothing? Hypocrites.

Obama BANS CUBANS in last week.. not a peep. Trump puts immigration from undeniably unsafe regions of the world where KNOWN terrorists are and have stated plans to infiltrate through the refugee program ON HOLD until they can be better vetted (no more than 6 months at most) and liberal idiots go absolutely psychotic.

Heresy! The Emperor disagrees, Xenos.

I wouldn’t put it past cats. They are evil.

This is nothing but a PR move by the Miller family. They have a tyrannical dictatorship on the entire state in just about every industry. The Jazz were a tiny morsel. They screw Utahns over in about a hundred ways, so don’t think they are good people.

The Jazz team owners also own a theater chain in Utah... pretty much all of them in the state now. They just moved into my town and took over. Taking my kids to a movie was an affordable way to spend time. Since the Miller’s came to town the cost literally tripled. Trust me, they are total shitbags in about a dozen

Derek Harper, is that you?

Yay, the icon of mediocrity will stay in Utah FOREVER! So excited...

The game has no point or purpose. There is virtually zero conflict aside from staying away from gas and falling to death. I hope they have something ridiculously more in-depth in mind or this will be on many regret lists.

From the relentless ‘Switch’ coverage on Kotaku, it’s pretty clear someone’s gettin that asian pussy.

Really? Heard of ‘Elite Dangerous’? ‘No Mans Sky’? just to name the most recent OVER-HYPED, OVER-PRICED trash.