What was the last AAA title Steam had? Fallout 4? lolol. Even then it was nothing more than an extravagent Skyrim mod. AAAs were almost ALL Steam used to deal in... quality, polished products.
What was the last AAA title Steam had? Fallout 4? lolol. Even then it was nothing more than an extravagent Skyrim mod. AAAs were almost ALL Steam used to deal in... quality, polished products.
Guess what kids, nerfing is all part of the online gaming shell-game. It is a never ending cycle. They drop new champions that are OP, everyone buys. They nerf. They OP a recently unpopular champion, new players buy. They nerf. New champ, OP/nerf. Unpopular class/champion, OP/nerf. This is a business model. They dgaf…
Would luv to play this game. I played the classic NES version, on a cartridge that carried 64 unique games.. kinda smuggled out of Japan. However, I’m not gonna shell out for an over-priced under-par system that plays games that should be in app stores or going for $5 on Steam. Just another great game for another…
So nice of Forbes to keep track of the bourgeois for us when the time comes.
All Steam has anymore is 3rd rate, retro-style, shallow, over-hyped, over-priced junk. This trend will continue until their content returns to it’s once-respectable levels.
Hearthstone is completely broken at this point. The most recent expansion is a prime example of how they had no choice but to make each xpac 100x more broken OP than the last, it’s the only way to ‘progress’. It is so ridiculously broken right now. 5 Legendaries to start a round? +1/+1 or +2/+2 to all minions in your…
Disney Infinity was shutdown because it wasn’t making ‘enough’ profit. It was making money, just not ENOUGH.
aka Hello Games paid a troll army social media company to saturate all online content. There is no way, even now, that anyone who bought this game for more than $10 isn’t still nuclear-irate except for completely unaware fools who have no idea about anything.
This proves nothing other than Steam being forced to accept any and all trash. Their library is pure trash. Cheap, shallow junk games with trendy retro-style graphics... while the big-ticket, high-dollar stuff is overhyped, over-priced swill (See:No Mans Sky, The Division, etc...).
This is definitely a clueless generation. This is exactly like Roller Coaster Tycoon. There is nothing that would make it worth getting. Just like VR. Just more of the same crap rearing its trash head again. Stupid kids.
Is this article from 2012? Because that’s about how long this has been a thing...
Bought nothing. Also, Steam sales are pure trash anymore.. 10% off a fkn $15 game? REally??? MASSIVE savings.
Not really. Once you have a following, one full of zealots no less, you could put out shit.. literally shit, and they will all buy it. See: Apple.
And another set that has to be 10x more stupid broken OP as the last... It’s the only way to keep the cycle going. How do you beat stupid OP cards? with more stupidly OP cards. They are making half their cards obsolete every expansion.
So what exactly did this guy ‘develop’ over 23 years? The exact same 3 quests repeated at every level in WoW all the way up to the max.. whatever the max was? How about redoing ‘Burning Crusade’ TWICE (Draenor/Legion... both basically just BC 2.0 and 3.0). Boss fights are nothing more than ‘Do you have a high enough…
Yes... please PLEASE play Eve now. If you’ve ever wanted to know what it’s like to be used and abused.. anally raped dry... skullfucked silly... or any other violently disturbing sexually driven act please... sign up. :)
You don’t get banned for griefing. They claim you ‘can’ but they encourage it in practice.
‘Prevent exploits and harassment’...
Lol! Awwww. umadmegan? I see the Gawker Jezebel blog family is CC’d on the JournOlist memos. You lost kid, time to move on and accept reality. Is he an arrogant prick? yes. Is he going to be your president? yes. 1 week after being elected and he’s supposed to have a fully functioning cabinet ready to press the go…
*suck suck suck*...*suck suck suck*