
That guy looks like Christian Slater... if he had been standing next to the exposed plutonium core of a nuclear weapon for a week...

Must be the best ‘Q,E,Q,E’ers on the planet... since that’s all pvp is... QEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQ...

lol. umadbro?

This kid has been taught well. A valuable lesson. It should have also read, “It was a fumble.”

Yaaaawwwnn.. Creative mode.. bleh, let us know when someone does a build like this in survival mode, then I may show a modicum of awe.

I still don’t think Nintendo is willing to accept the big picture of reality. Only hardcore Nintendo faboys are gonna drop more than $50 for this. Nobody is gonna shell out the $200-300 just to play 1 or 2 $50 games they MIGHT be interested in.

“Hearthstone Pro” lol omfg. That’s like calling a chain-smoking 65-year-old in vegas a “Slot Machine Pro”.

Star Citizen = No Mans Sky x 1,000,000

This is exactly how ponzi-schemes work. Look up: Bernie Madoff. The only difference between him and Chris Roberts is that SC idiots willingly gave with a no refund clause.

What about the RTS and MOBA modules? lolol

He means they have 4 different platforms/genres.. same engine or not. Can you take Crysis 3 and merge it with Evolve? Seems like quite the project no? This is exactly what the idiots doing SC are doing. You are 100% correct. Don’t let these mindless idiots steer us away from the truth that we see.

Lol! I’m shocked, SHOCKED!!, I tell you.

This is what Minecraft needs to be now. Too bad these idiots think the PS4 is the best platform for this game. 2 opportunities just rotting away... sad.

It’s $15k if you converted the value of the in-game resources required to build one into PLEX which in turn is technically about $17 ea from CCP. But Hard Knox is such a large group that gathering that amount really isn’t that difficult. The only real cost is the time it takes to build one... about a month i believe.

First. You need an official Eve Online player for your Eve Online stories. Yes, you can claim sovereignty in null-sec systems but that is in k-space, or known space... where anyone can create a route directly to the system you own.. which you don’t get to name.

So do we get a refund if we subscribed to his channel?...

One day short of a year... nice.

Contracts are still junk and there are still dozens of game-breaking bugs. lol. My hope is that a real developer buys the game from Squad and takes it from what is basically an alpha of what it could/should be. Yeah, it’s great for what it is and with such a small team, but it can be SO much better.

Porn-gamer streaming service. I see opportunity. If Twitch had half a brain they would just add a 21+ only service that allowed this and more.