
Guess what James. You are a public figure, which you choose to be. I can call you a fucking dickwad goat-fucker all day long... bitch.

I thought James Woods was taken care of by Top Men...

Exclusivity is what will kill Nintendo. They think that someone is actually willing to drop $200-$300 on hardware just for the opportunity to spend another $40-$60 on a game.

Trust me, it sounds fun at first.. even looks fun on Twitch.. But after 3 rounds of getting blapped before you even get a single weapon and you’ll wish you could get your $ back from Steam.

I have a 10 and 8 year old daughter. If this happened to either no protection would be enough for him. I would get into his cell and rip out his throat with my bare hand.

You are an idiot. They are intentionally stylized and cartoonish. The WoW gfx engine is NOT out-dated.

WoW isn’t supposed to be high-res ultra-realistic style graphics. 75% of WoW’s appeal is the stylized, cartoonish look. When will you idiots ever realize that? “WAH!! We want WoW 2 that looks real.. WAH!!”

Titans, GO!!

I approve of this message. We have an early leader in the Troll of the Year award. I would call it the “Wi Tu Lo” award.

It’s the only way to get the heirloom ring. And I have it. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

The biggest change they need to make is players having a set 3 cards to start every game. 3/4 of all games are literally decided by the initial draw. This takes skill and strategy out of the equation and makes the game based purely on luck. You still get The Coin if you go second but at least you have SOME control.

8 yrs experience. Biggest issue with Photoshop skills is knowing the fkn difference between cmyk/rgb and why... and optimizing images for web. So many idiots create stuff for web in cmyk and then save out as a hi-res 3mb .jpg... *facepalm*

Good artists borrow, great artists STEAL. :)

I had a boss once, he owned the company. He named himself CEO, COO, CFO, CMO... the list goes on.. and He actually used each title when he felt it was necessary. He was a narcissistic tool.

My favorite is, ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE!! (the PITA customers will be contacting you first)

RedBox’d ‘Burnt’ last night. It is literally a live-action version of ‘Ratatouille’. Worth watching once.

Has anyone tried to get a response from the kid?? .....

The real question is how do you get around the soul-crushing, fun-killing length of turns??

... because any production model vehicle is capable of matching or exceeding the shittiest production street bike...

You should research the true purpose Planned Parenthood was founded and what it’s intention for abortion is. You might laugh..