
12% of the population deserves no more representation in ANY form than, GASP!!!, 12%.

*Cock Magic*

They’ve remade Spiderman and The Hulk Twice. Hell they even remade Total Recall. When do we get a Matrix remake that does not allow the Wachowski brothers... er um, siblings, within 10 miles of production?

That’s what happens when 2 mentally disturbed brothers, er um, “siblings” steal a script and get a green light with funding.

Do you have the Snowy Owl? Huh? Do ya? ... cuz I do. :)

Yeah, because 1 governor speaks for all of the rest in his party. And sorry, making decisions that are legal, no matter how stupid, does not compare to compromising national security by funneling information that is of the highest classification through an unsecure server set up by a dude in some water closet. Maybe

Scour the internet all you like, you will find Barack Obama’s real past before you find video of the actual incident. I think this was faked on a sound stage. I don’t believe she was hit by a ball.. in the face.

You can find the entirety of the e-mail chain here.

“... but if it has to do with the leftist agenda such as an athlete being gay or becoming transgendered, please, spend all the time you need even if it’s 24/7 coverage shoving it down their throats. Also, give them an award for it. And if you find an athlete believes in God, try to tear him down at every chance, no

I wish with all my heart <3 that I could have given it to him.

So you think Ferrari will sue them for blatantly ripping off teh 550 Maranello?? orrrr is this a thing in cars?

You are all fools. This is the greatest scam of all time. The infrastructure alone to deliver HALF of what they are promising will cost an additional $100 Million. Have fun with your 3.5 TB game that will never be a game.

... kinda like Star Citizen.

Herm Edwards is an AMAZING coach and person. Don’t be so ignorant. The Tony Dungy/Herm Edwards Buccaneers won a Super Bowl (Yeah, Gruden was the coach but that TEAM was built and taught by those 2). Herm Edwards Defenses were wicked. He was fired for the exact reasons he was yelling about... whiny players more focused

This game is crap. There is zero content beyond doing the SAME fkn thing over and over and over and over and over for pennies. The only reason I even finally caved and bought ED was the $15 Steam sale. $60 was WAAAY too high. Then they realized this and dropped it to $45. Still not worth anywhere near that amount. No

How many die from smoking? 440k/yr? Oh. Car accidents? Eating too much bacon? Yeah.. This is a moot statistic. Guns have saved 100x that amount since 1980. Guns don’t kill people, people do.

Much of their talent is/was derived from their problems. Unhealthy, dangerous... absolutely, but they would not be who they are/were without them.

Right, the medical community that makes billions off of ‘treating’ this ‘disease’.

This is California breh. They think global um ‘climate change’ is more dangerous than militant muslims.

Finally something original from the gaming industry.